TWENTY. (over and over)

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My loneliness loves the rain."

― Atticus Poetry

 The news of Mayor Walker's death was sad

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 The news of Mayor Walker's death was sad. I laid in my bed, staring at the outfit my mother picked out for me to wear. It was a simple black dress and I couldn't bare to look at it any longer.

I shut my eyes and leaned my head back. I had been on strict bedrest according to the nurse since the attack and it's been brutal.

I was left to my own thoughts for days, excruciating long days. Yoko appeared in the doorway with a sad face and sent me another look of pity.

"Yoko if you don't stop staring at me like I'm a lost hurt puppy I will throw you off our balcony" I glared at her and she held her hands up in surrender, crossing to her side of the room to get ready.

With a sigh I leaned back down, trying not to focus on anything that was happening lately.

Getting attacked by that monster was scary. It played over and over again in my mind until it made my head throb. I squeezed my eyes shut to try to stop the images but it only continued to get worse.

"Is she ready yet?" I heard Bianca's voice get louder as she got closer.

"No, and she's in a mood. So, good luck with that" Yoko warned the siren as she walked out of the room and I rolled my eyes at her dramatics.

"Addy? We have to go soon" Bianca's tone made me want to scream. That was the thing with getting attacked. Everyone took on this really gentle tone as if their words would just simply cause me to shatter.

I sent her a look and she sadly smiled before sitting on the bed. "I know you have your issues with Lucas right now but you should be there" Bianca's soothing voice made me want to smother her with the pillow.

"Addy, I know you two kind of got into it but he's sorry. And he didn't even want to do the paint stunt. He's trying to make amends" Bianca continued and I moved my head, turning to the wall as she spoke.

"He wants you there" Bianca patted my leg as she stood, walking to the door a second later. "If you change your mind, text me and I'll meet you in the lobby before we go"

When I turned in my bed she was already down the hall. I took a glance at the window and watched as the heavy raindrops slid down the glass.

As much as I didn't like the mayor, it didn't mean I thought he deserved to die or get hurt. Whoever hit him was a terrible person. Because as much as I didn't like him, he was a good dad. He was a mostly good person and I knew he cared about the town and even though it didn't always seem like it, he cared about my family too.

I did decide to go. I couldn't not, it would eat me alive to miss it. Lucas and I might not always see eye to eye and I might still be a little mad at him but it's not the time to dig that any deeper.

CHERRY FLAVOURED | xavier thorpeWhere stories live. Discover now