TEN. (grovelling)

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"We will never get back the life we waste trying to be normal"

― Atticus Poetry

 The Weathervane isn't packed when I get there

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The Weathervane isn't packed when I get there. In fact, it is quite empty and apart from an older couple in the back corner and the barista, it's a quiet deserted place.

The weather isn't the best today but the walk over helped clear my head for the most part. Allowing me to completely empty my thoughts onto the paved road.

I hated the way I scanned the cafe for a certain curly-haired barista. A part of me wanted to ask why he pulled me along with him and Wednesday. Especially when he and Wednesday would have had no problem getting away without me. In fact, it would have been easier.

I ordered a black coffee from the girl at the counter and slid into a booth once I got it. I took small sips from the steaming cup and looked out the window.

My brain was getting crowded again and I tried to push everything away. What a perfect time for Lucas Walker to come into the cafe.

"Addy" I turned at his voice and frowned slightly. He moved forward and I used my foot to block the other seat before he tried to sit.

"Addy, I'm sorry. I didn't know they wanted to go after you too" He let out and I scoffed, turning back to the window.

"Adelaide I swear to god I didn't know" I looked at my coffee cup and back to him, the thought settling in my mind.

"but you were down to go after Wednesday Addams with bats?" I asked, watching him sigh.

"I didn't know that's what we were doing"

"Oh, bullshit. Save it. Say what you actually mean, tell me that the only reason you are here grovelling is that daddy made you. Right?" I paused, raising my brows.

"You know that this would piss him off and god knows not for the right reason but it would make him angry, because my mother would be angry at you. And if she's angry at you, she's angry at your father." I clenched my jaw and he tipped his head back.

"That's not it" He tried to reason and I rolled my eyes, shooing him with my hand.

"Adelaide, come on"

"Go away Lucas" I let out, staring down at my coffee.

"Addy just give me-"

"Lucas I think she heard you and I know you heard her" Someone called out and I looked over, a boy moving closer to us from the entrance.

"Cooper, fuck off" Lucas let out, turning angrily to the boy.

"Can both of you have this dick-swinging contest outside, I'm not in the mood" I glared over at the two and then looked back to my coffee.

CHERRY FLAVOURED | xavier thorpeWhere stories live. Discover now