NINETEEN. (let me do my thing)

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Every poem should remind the reader that they are going to die."

― Edgar Allen Poe

 There were heavier restrictions on leaving the school grounds at the moment but I was not listening to my mother

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 There were heavier restrictions on leaving the school grounds at the moment but I was not listening to my mother. And if she wanted to say anything about it, I could reveal a lot. And I know she wouldn't want that.

I was waiting at the edge of the grounds, waiting for Cooper to get to the school so I could go out. I intended at some point in this hangout to tell him that I wasn't exactly ready to be in a relationship and that I thought we would be better off as friends, at least for now.

I was standing off to the side and my arms were crossed at my chest, trying to keep myself warm as I waited. I heard some leaves crunch behind me and I turned, trying to search for who made the noise.

I felt a hand on my arm and I jumped, almost not able to hold back my scream. "Jesus, what is wrong with you?" I let out once I caught my breath, Wednesday Addams standing next to me.

"Come on," She said, pulling me along with her. "Hi, Addy" Enid greeted with a smile.

"I'm sorry but, what is going on?"

"We're having a girl's thing for Wednesday's birthday redo," Enid told me and I looked between the two.

"Okay, but I'm going out somewhere" I tried to explain but Wednesday kept pulling me. "I have plans" She ignored my words and I eventually gave in. We stopped at a car and Enid moved to get in.

As she got in she stopped, looking at the front seat. "Wait, He's our uber driver?" She asked and I stepped forward.

"Uber driver? I thought we were going on a date"

"What?" I let out, moving and leaning into the car, Tyler in the driver's seat.

"I thought this was a girl's night out," Enid said, looking to Wednesday.

"Well, in that case, I should go" I spoke but Wednesday stared at me with eyes that frankly creeped me out. "Addy get in, there's been a change of plans"

I sighed, taking a look back at the road behind us, trying to see if Cooper was there before getting into Tyler's car and shutting the door.

"What's up with the weird matching hoodie scarf things?" Tyler asked and I took note of the girl's attires.

"don't ask, just drive"

When we got to the destination I hadn't quite expected it to be the gates mansion. I looked over to Tyler with a confused look and he shared it.

"Seriously you wanna go in there? this place is creepy af" Enid said, looking around with a cringe.

"I know," Wednesday said calmly

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