TWENTY ONE. (cherry chapstick)

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"The world is changed because you are made of ivory and gold. The curves of your lips rewrite history."

― Oscar Wilde

 Tyler's words looped in my mind intercut with flashes of the monster attacking me and I shut my eyes again, putting my head down slightly

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Tyler's words looped in my mind intercut with flashes of the monster attacking me and I shut my eyes again, putting my head down slightly.

    "Adelaide?" I looked up at Cooper's voice and sent him a forced smile.

    "Hey, Cooper" I greeted, taking a sip from my coffee to try to hide the way my mind was spiralling.

    "How are you doing, ya know since everything" He signalled a bit to my scared face and I nodded.

    "It's been fine" I answered, not sure how to go about the situation considering it wasn't common knowledge that a monster was on the loose. Everyone thought it was some wild animal.

    "Cooper, I just wanted to talk. What happened at the dance, It," I paused, trying to collect my words and process it. "I'm not really looking for anything right now. I just, I feel like we're better off as friends" I bit the inside of my lip due to my nervousness and Cooper nodded to my words.

    "believe me, I get it. Especially after being attacked by that monster, I mean it's gotta be brutal" I furrowed my brows slightly as his sentence met my ears.

    "How'd you know about the monster?" I asked in a slight whisper, everything feeling off at the moment. I watched something happen to his face, a split almost mistake of emotion flashing on it. His face stilled and then was replaced by almost a duh expression.    

    "My mom, she was talking about what was going on. You know, the rumours of the monster on the loose. She was there when you were in the hospital wing" He explained and I couldn't stop the spiralling in my mind from intensifying.

    I heard my phone go off and looked down, a text from Bianca flashing on my screen. "shit, I have class, I gotta go" I let out, standing and grabbing my bag.

    Ignoring every thought that was entering my mind.

    I got to class late and took the empty seat near the back. It didn't even process in my mind the reason the seat was empty next to me was that Xavier hadn't yet shown up either.

    It didn't process until Xavier walked in, another kid must have been missing because he whizzed past the seat next to me and sat next to Wednesday Addams, flinging his backpack on the ground as he sat.

    I furrowed my brows. Nothing in my mind had stilled all day and this further sent me spiralling. It's not like the seat was his but that kid never gave up the opportunity to annoy the living shit out of me by sitting with me.

    I didn't know how to explain the feelings that were happening at that moment. I looked down at my books, trying to focus my mind on anything but it wasn't working.

CHERRY FLAVOURED | xavier thorpeWhere stories live. Discover now