EIGHT. (normies with a grudge)

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"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars."

― Oscar Wilde

 I moved past Xavier and slipped through the crowd

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I moved past Xavier and slipped through the crowd. I laid my eyes on a normie and as I got to another stand I moved behind it.

I kept my eyes on the girl and could feel myself grow an inch taller. I took a deep breath in and shut my eyes, appreciating the fact that the girl wasn't much different from me.

When I opened my eyes and looked down I noticed the differences from myself and smiled, moving back out into the crowd.

When Lucas and his friends passed again none even spared me a second glance and I smirked to myself when a security guard stopped them because of their bats.

I shot a glance to the parking lot and saw Tyler's car pull out and it gave me a weird sense of comfort to know the boy was okay. And then it made me angry for feeling that.

"Shit, are you okay?" I could hear Bianca's voice and I moved quickly in the direction I heard it. I could see her leaning on the ground and as I got closer I could feel myself shift back to normal.

I kneeled down next to her and saw that it was Wednesday on the ground and I looked at Bianca. "what happened?" I asked and Bianca shook her head. "I don't know"

"Wednesday?" I let out, shaking her shoulder slightly. "Wednesday," I said again, still resting my hand on the girl's arm.

When she opened her eyes it freaked me out a bit, her blank stare. "Wednesday? What happened?" I asked and she looked at me.

"Rowan's dead" The statement made my eyes widen and I almost thought I heard her wrong.

"What?" Bianca let out, looking down at her.

"some monster attacked him," Wednesday told us and I nodded, standing up and looking out to the woods I saw him run into earlier.

I went to go in and check it out but Bianca's voice stopped me. "shit, she's out again. We gotta get some help"

"fuck, okay" I turned back, moving to help Bianca.

I walked through the crowd of people when Yoko came over to help and found her sitting at one of the benches, a large panda teddy bear in front of her.

"Mom!" I let out, moving quickly towards her.

"What happened?" She asked standing quickly and looking at me with concern. "Something's wrong. Wednesday said Rowan was killed by a monster in the woods and then she passed out" I let out and she rested a hand on my shoulder.

"Okay, get Wednesday back to school. I'll figure everything out" She told me, moving past me and heading toward the woods.

Enid met us at the parking lot and we got into my car, Wednesday in the backseat. Bianca sat in the passenger seat and played with the radio, finding a song she liked.

Yoko and Enid sat on either side of Wednesday and I drove back to the school as quickly as I could. I took periodic looks to the backseat through the rearview mirror to check in on the dark-haired girl.

I tapped the steering wheel along to the beat of the song and when we got to the school Yoko and Enid took over bringing Wednesday up to Enid's room.

"that was eventful" Bianca laughed, relaxing on my bed when we got to my dorm. "no shit" I let out, taking the spot next to her with a sigh.

"do you think she's just crazy?" Bianca asked and I stared up at my ceiling. "no clue" I said, resting my head near her shoulder.

"Can I sleep in here? I'm exhausted" Bianca asked, the girl already sounding half asleep.

"go for it, I'm gonna go for a walk," I told her, laying my blanket over her lightly before grabbing a sweater and heading out into the corridor.

I didn't have a plan on where to go and by the time I made it outside my mind was filling with thoughts of the night. Running from the normie boys, running from Lucas.

Now it's not like I had any hope that if something happened he'd be on the outcasts side but a part of me, a very small part of me did sort of think he wouldn't come after me, not like that. But I shouldn't have been so stupid.

I pushed my head into my hands and rested it there. Trying to clear my head of the pounding thoughts.

"Addy, there you are. We, or I tried looking for you" I could hear Ajax and I looked up, seeing the boy approach as Xavier trailed behind. "Yoko was telling me you went on the ferris wheel with minimal panic"

"shit, you went on the ferris wheel Weems? What a big brave girl you are" Xavier mocked and I glared at him.

"Your mom rushed out kinda quickly and then no one could find you or the girls" Ajax was referring to only Yoko and Bianca so I wasn't sure if he noted the absence of the other two or not.

I shrugged and stretched my back a bit. "what are you doing out here anyways? Just needed fresh air?" Ajax asked, slightly moving closer to the school.

"yeah, something like that" I answered, more than okay with the boy disappearing at that moment. Especially if it meant the boy he was with disappearing too.

"I'll see you in the morning" Ajax waved as he walked off and I sent him a weak wave in return. I turned my attention to the sky and the stars that scattered across it.

I took a deep breath in and tried to allow the fresh air to clear my clouded head. It was what made missing the fact that only Ajax went into the school.

"so, uh" Xavier's voice startled me and I jumped slightly. I felt my body stiffen and I didn't look over at him. "are we gonna talk about what happened tonight?" He asked.

"nothing happened Xavier. Get over yourself. I would have done it if it were Ajax, or like anyone else. You of all people know that it takes me too long to shift into someone else and I wasn't gonna risk getting seen"

"who was it? Normies with a grudge doesn't have many identifiers"

"why does it matter?" I looked over to him finally with raised brows and he shrugged.

"Well, I feel like if there's a group of normies hunting outcasts in public maybe others should know about it," Xavier said pointedly and I sighed.

"fine. Who the fuck do you think it was? Okay, it is the same group of people it always is" I said, getting up and pushing past him.

"Lucas came after you?" Xavier turned with an unreadable expression and I rolled my eyes.

"go ahead, gloat. Take the credit. Say you told me so." I let out and he furrowed his brows. "just fucking do it because I know you've been dying to get one up on me. Like you always are" I stared at him and scoffed at his silence.

"fine. You told me so. Are you happy? I'm wrong like always"

 Are you happy? I'm wrong like always"

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