SIXTEEN. (prince charming)

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"We just want the world to love the little monsters that we are."

― Atticus Poetry

     "What about this one?" Yoko said, pulling a silver dress off of one of the racks, holding it up for me to look at

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     "What about this one?" Yoko said, pulling a silver dress off of one of the racks, holding it up for me to look at. I shrugged and she put it back. "I already have my dress, you need to find one for yourself," She told me with a stare and I rolled my eyes.

"I don't even think I'm gonna go" I let out and she looked at me with wide eyes. "what are you talking about?"

"I just, I don't know. Not my thing" I shrugged, walking through the aisle.

"Addy, I found the perfect dress for you," Divina said as she appeared at the end of the aisle, grabbing my hand and pulling me along with her.

I looked at the dress she picked out, smiling slightly at it before realizing what I was doing and clearing my throat. "it's okay" I said and she laughed.

"I knew you'd love it" She grabbed it from the rack and found my size in it. "you have to get it" Divina practically lectured me as I tried to shake my head.

"Okay, now all that's left is Enid" Yoko turned, finding the blonde girl admiring a few dresses.

"I don't even have a date" Enid frowned.

"I thought you would be going with Ajax," I said, moving to her side, looking at the fluffy dress she was staring at.

"I did too. We had a date and then he stood me up. He hasn't even talked to me since, barely looked at me either." Enid shrugged. "I know it'll be fun even without a date but I guess I'm just, I don't know" She sighed, grabbing a second dress and holding it up against herself as she stood in front of the mirror.

"I like that dress," Yoko said, standing behind the girl.

"so, date-wise. What's your situation, Addy?" Divina asked as the two of us walked to the front of the store so I could pay for my dress.

"no one yet. I don't even care about the dance." I reminded her and she shook her head. "no one's asked you?" She asked with an almost shocked tone.

"no, I got asked by a few people just not by someone I want to go with," I told her and she sighed. "who do you want to go with?"

"no one" I let out and she scoffed before linking her arm in mine and pulling me out of the store, Enid and Yoko were still looking around but we were done and my dress was draped over my other arm.

We entered into the weathervane and I made my way to the counter, stopping by the side Tyler was currently on. "Is that a dress bag?" He asked and I shrugged.

CHERRY FLAVOURED | xavier thorpeWhere stories live. Discover now