SEVENTEEN. (the rave'n)

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"And all I loved, I loved alone."

― Edgar Allen Poe

  "I can't believe you're going to the Rave'n with Xavier" I mockingly gagged as I said his name and Bianca shook her head

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  "I can't believe you're going to the Rave'n with Xavier" I mockingly gagged as I said his name and Bianca shook her head. Her hands were playing with my hair as she thought of how to style it for the dance.

I looked at her through the mirror and she was lightly chewing on the inside of her lip. "what's wrong B?" I asked, adding a bit of extra gold shadow to my eyelid.

"Just in my head, it's okay" I looked over at Divina who was getting ready next to me. Yoko on her other side. The four of us were taking our sweet time getting ready for the dance and we knew to start getting ready early.

"Are you sure? You wanna talk about it?" I questioned, going back to looking at her through the mirror. She dropped my hair from her hands and met my eyes in the mirror.

"Did you kiss Xavier?" The question made me choke on my spit and I coughed to get it by. "what?" I let out, turning in my chair to look at her.

"at the carnival, did you kiss him?" My wide eyes returned to their normal shape when I thought of the night and I saw the way Bianca's face dropped slightly.

"It wasn't a kiss kiss. It was an 'I need a distraction and three normies were coming after me with baseball bats and so I did the only thing I could think of' kiss" I told her as quickly as I could get out and she looked taken aback.

"you never told us you were almost attacked by normies. Who was it? Was it Lucas cause I swear to god I'll kill him tonight when he gets here" Bianca rambled off and I sighed.

"no I never told you guys, I shouldn't but it doesn't matter and don't go killing Lucas it's not worth it." I told her and she didn't seem like she liked the answer. "do not kill Lucas" I sternly told her, turning back in the chair so she could continue to do my hair.

"so not a kiss kiss" She nodded, braiding a few strands of my hair.

"No," I told her, moving to finish my face makeup.

By the time we had gotten dressed and finished our hair and makeup, the dance was already starting. "I'll meet you guys there. We told Enid we'd meet her there" Yoko said as she pulled Divina with her.

Bianca stood next to me and we admired ourselves in the mirror. "We look hot," Bianca said and I laughed, looping my arm in hers so we could walk down to the main hall together.

Xavier is at the bottom of the stairs but my eyes go past him and to Cooper who is standing by the door, a white tux adorning his frame. I smile at him and he waves me over.

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