TWO. (are you five?)

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"She wasn't looking for a knight, she was looking for a sword. "

― Atticus Poetry

"Morning class, we're gonna go ahead and start with the reading I assigned yesterday," Professor Thornhill announced at the front of the class

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"Morning class, we're gonna go ahead and start with the reading I assigned yesterday," Professor Thornhill announced at the front of the class. I walked in last it appeared and of course, I was stuck with only one fucking seat in the class.

    "Adelaide" Thornhill shot me a look and I held my hands up in surrender. I glared at the only seat opened and walked over. The smirk on Xavier's face was one I would smack off of him if we weren't in class.

    "morning partner" He greeted me in a sing-song voice and I rolled my eyes. I looked around the room, taking in the class and caught Bianca Barclay's attention. She raised a brow at me and I used my eyes to point at Xavier. She laughed and shook her head and I groaned.

    Bianca was Xavier's ex-girlfriend. The two had split up at the very beginning of the year due to reasons most didn't know. I did, however, because as unlikely and unusual as it was, Bianca and I were sort of friends.

    Sort of being the strong word. I wasn't sure why but I'm also sure she wasn't either. Our friendship definitely developed more after the breakup, the two of us joining together to complain about every snarky, entailed, ridiculous thing that came out of Xavier Thorpe's mouth.

    While I would deny ever doing this, sometimes I would shapeshift into Xavier so they could 'make him' say stupid shit. It was almost always accompanied by a bottle of whatever the two of us could sneak to drink or sometimes something to smoke.

    Xavier sat next to me, his sketchbook opened as he roughly drew something but his arm was covering my view and I couldn't care enough to try to take a better look.

    Mrs. Thornhill stood at the front of the class, talking about some plant types and many of the kids were scribbling down notes. I had my notebook open, writing a few things every once and a while as she spoke, the class having my attention.

    When class was over Bianca crossed the room, walking towards the table I was sitting at. I was leaning over and putting my books into my bag when she stopped.

    "Do you have fencing next?" She asked and I stood straight now, still shorter than the girl who was leaning slightly. "Yeah, and so does Xavier. And everything else I have, so does Xavier" I tilted my head with a smile, surely looking psychotic. I jokingly tried to keep the smile but when I heard Xavier ask if we were coming I clenched my teeth together.

    "do you think his murder would get pinned to me?" I asked and Bianca laughed, passing me my last book.



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    I sat on the floor, my equipment scattered next to me. Bianca was in the middle of the room, the spotlight of attention on her. This was a class I didn't mind not acing.

    Ajax, a mutual friend of Xavier and I sat on the floor, pushing his things towards mine as Yoko also walked over. "I hear there's this new student coming, got expelled and I heard she killed a kid" Ajax slid himself closer and Yoko sat down on the other side of me.

    "c'mon, seriously?" I rolled my eyes at the boy and looked back over to watch Bianca fence with some kid in the class.

    "no fucking shit Adds, I swear. totally psychotic" Ajax continued, pulling my bag to use it as a pillow. "ow what the fuck" He sat up and I laughed.

    "All that's in there is books genius"

    "Are the three of you comfortable?" The coach, and also teacher, asked as he stood over us. I shared a look with Yoko as Ajax stood quickly, grabbing his equipment and going back to where he was supposed to be.

    "ladies" Coach spoke again and Yoko tipped her head back before standing as well. I huffed and grabbed the mask, slipping it on as I also stood and moved toward the mats.

    "Okay, we're pairing up. Xavier you and Adelaide can pair since everyone else is already standing with someone." I scoffed and let out a frustrated sigh. Of course.

    "The days really shaping up, at this rate with me being your partner in every class, you might just stand a chance at getting a good grade. Congrats" I glared at the boy and he chucked.

    "Two classes doesn't mean anything," I said as we both stood, ready to begin. I lunged forward, and it was clear he hadn't anticipated me to start that aggressively.

    When I got the first point he smugly smirked. Shaking his head before starting again. "thought you didn't care about this class" He spoke as we both tried to get the next point.

    "I don't. I just care about winning against you" I smirked and he stumbled backwards as I hit my blade point blank on his chest. "I'm glad to know I'm always on your mind"

    I scoffed and moved back into the starting position. "in your dreams" He laughed at the comment and used his foot to trip me. As I pushed myself up from the ground I scowled at him. "You can't just trip me" I let out and he shrugged.

    It was obvious that the couch wasn't watching close enough and he dismissed both of us, not giving either of us the point. I waited for the teacher to look away from us after we started again and moved sideways before sticking my leg out.

    I watched in satisfaction as he tripped over my leg and fell like I did. When I looked back the look of pain on his face sent a shiver of regret down my spine. My eyes widened as he held onto his ankle.

    "why'd you do that?" He asked as he pushed himself up, wincing slightly when he stood on his left foot. "you did it first"

    "Are you five?"

    "Are you? You got so upset I was beating you so you acted like a baby"

    "And you acted like one right back"

    "All right, enough!" Our teacher yelled, his booming voice making both of us shut up. I glared at the boy in front of me and our teacher made his way over to us.

    "both of you need to go see the principal, now" He stated and Xavier scoffed. "oh what, so mommy can make everything better?" He rolled his eyes and I could have sworn I felt steam come from my ears.

    "fuck you" I yelled, pushing past him and grabbing my bag. I stormed out of the room and I could hear the teacher yelling at Xavier before sending him out.

And then I could hear his stomping feet behind me.

And then I could hear his stomping feet behind me

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i've been at work for
nine hours but i decided to
finish this on my break

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