TWELVE. (sabotage)

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"she wasn't bored, just restless between adventures."

― Atticus Poetry

	 Bianca slid into the seat next to me when we got to the greenhouse before Xavier could and I was forever grateful for the girl

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Bianca slid into the seat next to me when we got to the greenhouse before Xavier could and I was forever grateful for the girl. "thank you" I whispered to her and she shrugged, pulling her books out and setting them next to mine.

    "I'll hand yours in," She said, grabbing my assignment and walking with both of ours to Mrs.Thornhill. "I see you finally made a friend, even if it is a plant" My eyes found Bianca standing off to the side with Kent and Divina as all three's attention was on Wednesday Addams.

    "I go for quality over quantity" She shot back and Bianca rolled her eyes before moving back to our seats. "B, do you have the assignment from yesterday?" I asked, flipping through my notebook and trying to find my own.

    "oh great" Bianca sighed and I looked beside us at where Xavier decided to sit and found Wednesday standing there. I rolled my eyes at Bianca's reaction and tried to go back to finding my assignment.

    "There's an open spot next to me. If you can stand sitting that close to an elitist snob" Xavier let out and I shared a look with Divina who was on my other side.

    "leave it," I told Bianca as I watched her glare at the two. She huffed in response and we watched Xavier animate the spider he was drawing.

    "I doubt Wednesday is impressed by your tricks, Mr. Thorpe" Thornhill broke the silence but I kept my eyes on Wednesday and the spider.

    "admit it, you're impressed" Xavier's cocky tone made me roll my eyes and I almost laughed when Wednesday smacked her hand against the spider and graphite flew out from around her hand. The rest of the class did and Divina tickled my sides from behind me so I would laugh too.

    "Wednesday, we're thrilled to have you join us on our journey into the world of carnivorous plants."

    "Definitely not we" Divina mumbled under her breath as Thornhill spoke and I cracked a smile at the comment. "Now, who can tell us the name of this beauty?" Bianca's hand was up before Thornhill could finish asking the question.

    "Dendrophylax lindenii" Wednesday answered and Bianca's face said it all.

    "otherwise known as the ghost orchid" I couldn't help the way my eyes went to Xavier. I looked away quickly when I met his eyes looking back at me.

    "first discovered on the isle of wight in 1854" Wednesday stated and Thornhill remarked in praise.

    "very good Wednesday, looks like you may have competition for first chair, Bianca" Thornhill turned to the girl and I could feel the rage coming from her. Some kids snickered and Bianca clenched her jaw.

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