Ch 1: The Beginning of a Hero

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It was a Wednesday morning as I was walking to class. Everyone was getting out of my way as I was walking down the hallway. When I got to class I went straight to the back corner of the classroom. I put my head down waiting for class to start. Today has been so boring. The only upside was that it's the last week of classes. All of a sudden I hear someone slam their hands on my desk. Unnngh, why me. I slowly look up to see who it was.

"What do you want Brian."

"You know exactly what I want, brat."

"My mind is a little foggy today." I say scratching my head, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Give me your lunch money you punk, or else."

I gave him a glare. I've had enough of this guy, he's been bullying me this entire year thinking I'll let him push me around, "No."

"What did you say to me brat."

"I said 'No' and if you have an issue do something about it."

At this point everyone in the class is looking at us. I was glaring at Brian, daring him to try something. All of a sudden someone broke us out of our stand still, "Brian what are you doing?"

We both turned to see Sophia standing there with her hands on her hips. Brain blushes and stutters out a response, "Oh, I was just asking for some help on the homework that we had."

She raised an eyebrow at that, "Sure Brian, I totally believe you."

Then she sent a glare at Brian, "Leave Tamotsu alone."

Brain grumbles and walks away. Sophia walks over and sits down, "Thanks for that, I don't feel like dealing with him right now."

She looks over at me, "Don't mention it. You don't need to get into any more trouble because of him."

We sit in comfortable silence as we wait for class to start. Mrs Torrez walks into the classroom, "Please turn your homework into the bin at the front of the room. Please return to your seats once you have done that."

Once everyone turned in their homework she continued, "Since school will be ending at the end of this week, i decided that we are going to enjoy the last couple of days that we have together and we are going to watch some movies, any ideas class?"

Everyone starts talking over each other trying to get the movie they want. So uncivilized. I simply raise my hand, "Ah, yes, what movie would you like to watch Tamotsu?"

"Can we watch Star Wars Revenge of the Sith?"

"Yes, that would be a lovely idea."

Brain stands up and says, "Why does the brat get to pick the movie? No one even wants to watch that?"

Mrs. Torrez looks up from her computer and replies, "His name is Tamotsu, use it. As for your question, Tamotsu was the only one to raise his hand."

She turns around and puts on the movie. We spend the rest of the class watching the best movie to ever be made. Star Wars is the best movie to ever be made. Don't come at me. Sophia and I were enjoying the movie when the bell rang ending the school day. Finally this day is over. I wait for everyone to leave the classroom before I get up from my desk. I walk over to Mrs Torrez and say, "Thank you for everything Mrs. Torrez. You are the best teacher I've ever had."

She gives me a small smile and says, "You're welcome Tamotsu. You are always welcome in my classroom. I just wish that everyone in school could see how great of a student you are."

You see, everyone in the school, including the teachers, act like I have the plague or I killed their dog. I give her a big smile and chuckle, "I will definitely come and visit next year."

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