Ch. 29: Under the Sea

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My eyes slowly open, bright lights shining in them. I force myself to sit up, looking around. I feel the familiar weight of Tsunade's necklace on my neck. I let out a sigh of relief. Thank goodness I didn't lose that. Where am I? Wait! What the! I'm underwater. How am I breathing? I swing my legs over the bed and try to walk. Welp, that's not going to work. I look at the bed side table to see my sword in its sheath sitting there, quickly putting it on. I peek my head out the door, and see fish and other sea creatures swimming quickly by. This has got to be one of the most bizarre experiences ever.

I made my way through the hallway, trying to find some answers on where exactly I was. I continued swimming through this underwater place. My gosh is it huge and also very pretty. I turn the corner to be met by a long hallway and giant doors at the end. I slowly make my way over to the doors and slip inside. On the other side of the door there was a large building with columns throughout. There were three thrones at the other end of the room. I swam up to the throne and bowed, "My apologies for intruding, Poseidon-sama, I had no clue this was your throne room."

He looks up from what he is doing a bit surprised, "That is quite alright, boy. It was anticipated that you would be unconscious for a longer period of time."

I scratch the back of my head, "It was that bad?"

He snorts and waves his hand, creating a small mist. An image appeared of a news channel. The channel was showing a massive explosion in the middle of the ocean with the news anchor saying, "An unknown explosion was detonated off the east coast of Florida. The explosion has caused tsunamis that reached the coast of Florida. The governor of florida has announced a state of emergency as search and rescue commences."

The mist dissipates and I ask Posiedon in shock, "I-I caused that?"

He nods his head, "You caused quite the ruckus. We were surprised to see how powerful you have gotten in only a year."

I ask him confused, "We? Sir?"

He nods, "When that giant squid appeared in the Sea of Monsters, it had all of Olympus on edge. Iris summoned a screen for us to monitor the situation. You were lucky that we were watching and able to retrieve your body from the ocean. You were in terrible condition when we found you."

I bow, "Thank you for the help, Poseidon-sama."

He waves it off, "You did Olympus a favor by defeating that monster. It was the least I could do."

I asked again, "What was that giant monster, Poseidon-sama? Annabeth said that she never heard or learned about it."

He gave me a stern look, his aura growing, "Listen here Tamotsu, that monster has not been seen in a very long time, something out of our realm of control. The council has told you to keep what happened a secret, from the campers, from Chiron, from everyone. Are we understood."

I gulp and nod. If it is something that is important that the gods want me to keep it a secret even from their side of the world, I should probably do it. Deciding to change the topic, "So do you know where my stuff is, Poseidon-sama?"

He chuckles, "You think it survived the explosion? All of your things have sadly been destroyed or have gone missing due to the explosion."

"Well that sucks."

He laughs, "Don't worry, boy, I'll supply you with what you need."

He snaps his fingers and my clothes change instantly. I was wearing a black shirt with a dark blue, waterproof jacket and light pants, as well as normal sneakers. I also had a slim backpack secured to my back. I light up at that and bow, "Thank you, Poseidon-sama."

I also feel an added weight to my neck. I grab from under my shirt and pull out a silver trident, "What's this?"

Poseidon just said, "Double tap the small jem in the center."

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