Ch 3: Making a Friend

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I walk away from the big house. I need to clear my head. I walk until I saw a lake. I stroll onto the pier and sit on the edge, putting my legs in the water. I sit there, lost in my thoughts. I didn't know how long I was there when I heard someone walk behind me. I turn around to see it was the girl that helped me to the infirmary, "If you've come here to yell at just get it over with."

The girl was taken aback by what I said. She continued to walk and sat next to me, "Do you usually snap at people who try to talk to you."

I gave a short snort, "Usually when people talk to me they yell at me. So what do you want? If you're anything like your friend it can't be any good."

She gave me a puzzled look, "My friend?"

"Yeah. The girl with curly blonde hair. The one that was yelling at me yesterday."

I could tell she recognized who I was talking about, "Ahhhh. I'm sorry about that. You'll have to excuse her behavior. Sophia was Annabeth's sister. They were like two peas in a pod."

Mhm. Who would've thought my first impression of her would be correct. Well, partially correct. I brought my legs up and rested my chin on them, "Well if you're friends with her then you've definitely heard her thoughts about me."

She looks over at me and gives me a small smile, "Well, I have, but I like to make my own opinions on things."

I look at her hopefully. Maybe she isn't like everyone else, "You're saying you'll be my friend?"

She laughed at that, "Oh course you big dummy. You know what they say, innocent until proven guilty."

I laugh in response, "You'd be surprised how many people don't understand that concept. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Tamotsu."

I stuck out my hand for her to shake. She shook it, "My name is Serena. Nice to meet you Tamotsu."

I stick my feet back in the water and lay on my back. I see Serena take off her shoes and put her feet in also, "So tell me about yourself Tamotsu."

I smile slightly, happy to have a new friend, "Well, I came from Florida..."

This led to a half an hour discussion about ourselves. I found out that she's from Pennsylvania. She told me how she lives with her mom, step father, and half siblings. She gets along great with her mortal family, which apparently isn't always the case. At the end of the discussion Serena stood up and said, "Welp, you still need to have your tour of camp. Come on, let's go."

I put my shoes back on and stood up, "Well, lead the way."

She starts walking over to the cabins. They were shaped in a U with a hearth in the middle. She took us to the base of the U, where there were two cabins, "As you can see. These are where the cabins are. Every cabin represents one of the twelve olympians."

I look at each of the cabins and can tell how each one is inspired by an olympian. There is something I don't understand though, "How come some of the cabins look like there are no one in them?"

"You see, each cabin is dedicated to each major god or goddess. The cabins are for the children of those gods to stay in those cabins. So for the gods that don't have children, like Hera and Artemis, they remain empty."

"So which cabin do you stay in?"

She says with a smile, "Cabin 11. The Hermes cabin."

Wait a second, "What about the children of non-olympian gods?"

I see her cringe a little at that, "Well, for the demigods who aren't from an olympian, they stay in Cabin 11. You see, since dad is the god of travelers, he takes in anyone who doesn't have a cabin."

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