Ch 14: The End of Summer and the Beginning of a New Chapter

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The next two weeks went by really fast. I spent a lot of time working on my jutsus. Hestia's blessing has helped a lot on my fire jutsus. I was able to make a big fireball now. I also started to learn Lightning Style: Thunder Punch (A/N I couldn't find any easy lightning style jutsus that weren't unique to a specific shinobi) and Fūton: Reppūshō (Wind Style: gale palm). I worked on these in secret. I decided not to tell anyone that I was a shinobi. I'm not ready to tell them, and I don't know when I will be.

I also came up with some designs for a flight suit. They are still a work in progress, but it's something. I had a little help from Annabeth. Speaking of Annabeth, things between us have been becoming better. I think everything between us is now water under the bridge.


It's now the second to last day of camp. I was sitting with my friends hanging out, enjoying the last days with my friends. We were at the beach. I was sitting up against Toothless enjoying the sun, resting my eyes. I heard someone sit down next to me and opened my eyes. Serena leans against Toothless and asks, "So you know what you are going to do for the school year?"

I think about it for a second, "No, not really, I think I might stay here. I can't leave Toothless here all by himself and there's no way I can take him into the mortal world. Also it'd give me time to look for Luke and gather info on what he's doing. That traitorous bastard"

I mumble the last bit under my breath. Serena sighs, "I know you're upset Tamotsu, I'm just as upset as you are, but you need to be patient. Nothing good will come out of rushing into something."

"I just hate that we aren't doing anything. He could be raising an army and we wouldn't know. It doesn't help that the gods aren't doing anything about it."

Serena was about to say something when we heard the clopping of hooves come from behind us. I turn to see Chiron behind us, "Hey Chiron, come to join us?"

He chuckles, "No, that would not be the case. I came to come get you Tamotsu, there is someone here who wants to see you. Also Toothless is needed as well."

I raise an eyebrow at that. I stand up and ask Chiron, "Who could possibly want to talk to me?"

"Let's go and find out."

I start following Chiron with Toothless by my side. We make our way towards the Big House and go inside. We walk into the main area and I see a lady with green eyes and black hair sitting on one of the couches. Chiron motions for me to sit on one of the chairs and I do so. Chiron leaves the room and goes back outside. She looks at me with a smile, "Glad you could join me Tamotsu. There are some things that we need to discuss."

"I'm sorry to diverge from the topic, but just who are you?"

She chuckles, "Sorry, I completely forgot to introduce myself. I am Hecate, goddess of magic, the Mist, and crossroads."

I bow my head slightly and give her a skeptical look, "Sorry for not recognizing you, Lady Hecate."

"You don't seem to be happy to see me."

"Well lets just say that I've had my fill of gods for a while."

She laughs, "Yes, I've heard about what happened on Mount Olympus. There is no need to worry, I am not here with negative intentions. Now, the reason why I'm here is because you are a shinobi. Just to be clear, I am not the Goddess of Shinobi, and it does not fall under my domain. The God of Shinobi's been missing and hidden from us for a long time, almost as long as the god's been born. But chakra and ninjutsu are related, and similar, to my magic. Therefore, the gods decided to give me the responsibility of being the goddess to oversee the shinobi world, as we do not have a lot of influence there."

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