Ch 25: The Truth Comes Out

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Tamotsu's POV

I slowly woke up from my sleep. I squint and block the light with my hands, letting my eyes get adjusted to the light. I look to my left and see Himari asleep on a chair and my flight suit next to her. I prop myself up on my elbows and look around the room. Huh, I guess someone brought me here after I passed out. How long have I been out? I hear a groan come from the floor. Wait a second. I say quietly, "Toothless?"

I hear some shuffling and see Toothless's smiling face appear. I smile slightly and he gently licks my face. I laugh, "It's good to see you two bud. How are you feeling? I know you took a beating fighting the Akumas."

He chortles, "I'm glad you're ok."

Just as I say that, Himari starts to wake up. She wipes the sleep from her eyes and they widen when she sees me. She quickly hugs me tightly and I gasp in pain. She then lets go and scolds me, "What the hell were you thinking taking on all of them by yourself?! And what's this with you riding dragons?!"

I chuckle, "Glad to know you care. I couldn't just sit back and let the Akumas attack the village. Innocents could have gotten hurt."

She sighs and shakes her head, "You can be so foolish some times, and I still can't believe that you're friends with dragons."

I chuckle and scratch Toothless's head, "Yeah, they seem to like me. I don't know what is."

She asks, "How did the two of you meet if you don't mind me asking?"

I go on to explain the story of how we met. How I found him hurt in the forest and gained his trust. I also explained how I got the dragon summons and became the dragon champion. She faintly smiles and scratches Toothless, "It's said that our ancestors used to worship dragons as they protected us from the Akuma. They were our protectors in a way. They guarded us against the Akumas that wanted to do us harm. Of course that was a very long time ago, way before I was born. It was all considered myth, I never thought I would see one but here I am scratching one's head."

"I never knew that. Lockheed said that there was bad blood between dragons and Akumas, but he never said anything about that."

We sat in silence for a bit. I smirk, saying in a teasing tone, "I guess that makes me your protector, huh Princess?"

She smacks my arm and I say jokingly, "After all I've done to protect you, this is what you do to me, milady? Oh, how you wound me!"

We both start laughing. Once we stopped I asked, "So how long have I been out?"

"Two days. You had us all worried when we saw you passed out."

I try to sit up but Himari stops me, "What are you doing? You need to rest."

"I've been resting for two days. I need to get out of this bed."

She sighs, "You're not going to listen are you?"

"Nope!" I say popping the 'p.'

"Do I need to get Izumi to force you to stay in bed?"

I chuckle, "She knows that when I wake up that I'm not going to stay in bed."

She huffs, "You're impossible."

I chuckle and sit up completely. The blanket falls off revealing my bandaged chest. I mutter, "Wow, those Akuma really did a number on me."

I look back up to see Himari's face turn red. I tease her, "Like what you see?"

Her face turns even more red. She throws me my clothes and mutters, "J-Just get changed."

Toothless and I laugh and she quickly leaves, "Let me know when you're done."

I slowly start putting on my clothes. I have some trouble with getting the clothes on due to my injuries. I swing my legs over the side of the bed and say "Alright, I finished getting dressed."

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