A Dream Fulfilled

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Jake's POV:

The rain stops and starts again, but our lips do not waver. We continue to dance and kiss until the sky turns twilight. This is bliss. My arms alternate from her waist to her cheek to her hair. She smells of orange blossoms and rain. Her lips are sweet and soft like cotton candy. We shift between soft, sweet pecks to deep longing drags on each other's lips. Occasionally, we pull back when things become too dangerous. She wraps her arms around my waist a nuzzles her head closer to my chest. She sighs.

"Jake, I love this moment, I don't want it to end, but I am getting a little cold," she speaks.

How could I ignore the obvious? "I am so sorry. Of course, you are." I say apologetically. "I got caught up in the moment and have neglected you."

"I was caught up in the moment as well." she smiles devilishly and then blushes. "Trust me, I don't feel neglected and you don't have to be sorry."

"Well, we actually do have plans." I look at her and then at my watch.  "Go get warmed up and dressed. I have a surprise for you." She gets excited by the surprise and I see a smile light up her face. She really does love surprises.  I love the way they bring out such enthusiasm in her.  Reaching up one last time, I brush her cheek with my thumb. I kiss her cheek quickly and send her into the house. "Put on a nice dress, if you don't mind. I'm taking you out." I yell playfully.

While she is showering, I start the coffee and write a quick note for Mahri. I keep thinking about our dance, the kissing, and how much I want our lives to be shared. I have to calm myself down. Being a little obsessive in nature, I tend to want everything all at once. I can be patient in actions when my heart is not involved, but with Mahri, that is not the case.  My entire being is involved and my actions are hard to control. These last two days have been a miracle, a dream, and though I haven't finished telling her my story, she will see why I have no doubt about our future.

I am lost in thought when I feel her wrap her arms around me from behind.  Her lips land on the back of my neck and my body is immediately on fire. Quickly, I spin her around so we are facing each other. She doesn't move her arms and I place my hands on her hips. I smirk, "Hey there, love." I lean in and kiss her soft and slow, enjoying once again, the taste of her. We pull apart.

"Beautiful is not a strong enough word for how you look tonight," I whisper.

She is wearing an emerald green dress that is cut low in the back but has long sleeves and maintains modesty. The length is just above her knees. It is simple, but it brings out the green in her eyes.

I look her up and down and then find her eyes. "How fortunate is the man who gets to have you on his arm."

She blushes but says nothing. Her eyes never leave mine. I can gaze into her eyes for eternity.

"If you don't like the dress, we can stop by your house and you can get something else. I want you to be comfortable."

"It is beautiful. I would have picked it out myself. Thank you."

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