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Mahri's  POV:

I am trying to give myself the courage to walk through that rusty door. So much is riding on in the next conversation. Will things even work between us after the night we had? I take a deep sigh and turn around to face the door when I noticed Jake standing there.

His jacket is rumpled and stained, and his eye and nose are swollen. His hair is rumpled, clumped in parts.  I know he would not approve of this.  Jake was a wanted hacker, but his appearance has always been impeccable.  My feet felt as though they are made of stone, and my lips feel sealed shut.  I can not speak.  In part, because I don't have a clue what to say, but mostly because this should have never happened.  It certainly shouldn't have happened to someone as wonderful as he is.  My heart sinks when I see his face and the damage that Dan has done to him. His eyes are staring into mine with the same love they had before, but he looks away quickly.  I am not sure if he is upset with me or if he is embarrassed by his appearance.  He looks to me, like the man that I love, the one that I hope still loves me.  There is nothing more beautiful than that.

"Some night," He says softly under his breath, there is a slight awkwardness in his words, something I hadn't experienced since we met. His eyes are looking at his feet, his hands are awkwardly behind his back as if he doesn't know what to do with them.  Also, something that I haven't seen from him.

"Certainly unexpected," I respond.

I observe him closely, wanting desperately to touch his face, to make sure that he is ok. I leave my hands by my side clasping my hands into fists. I guess I am just as nervous as he is.  I attempt to loosen my grasp, "Jake, I am so sorry for all of this. Are you ok?"

"I am ok,"  He nods as he speaks, Then he looks up slowly and speaks words in sincerity, "This is not your fault. I don't really blame Daniel. I shouldn't have brought her here. Betty didn't really give me the choice about coming here. I should have be more firm," he pauses.  "Honestly, I would have assumed the same thing about him if the situation was reversed."

"I have a feeling that Betty usually gets her way." I retort, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah, but she also makes you feel like it is what you want to do." A smile slowly crosses his lips.

I am glad to see his gorgeous smile, "I can see that. She is pretty amazing. I feel like I have known her for a long time." 

"I told her a lot about you." He admits, looking into my eyes and letting them linger for just a moment. "I am glad that you like her." He pauses and then something crosses his face, "You know we are just friends, right? I didn't do the things that Daniel accused me of."

"I know, Betty told me. I was glad to hear it." I respond with a nod letting him know that I trust him.  Though I wasn't sure he understands just how happy I am to hear those words from his mouth.

"Can we sit and talk or do you need to get home?"I ask.

"Talk." He walks close to me and I can smell his molasses, syrupy, woodsy scent that I had gotten so used to. I have missed that so much. I have missed everything about him if truth be told. He pulls out a chair for me, Ss I sat, his hand runs across my back causing a shiver across my body. I'm almost sure his hand lingered for a bit.

Jake's POV:

I just touched her and I instantly feel the warmth or her surge through me. I can't believe that being in the same space as she is brings me back to life. I have to remember to keep this to myself. I can not share everything that I am feeling all at once.  It is too much.  Betty is right. I have to back off.   I can not lose her again.

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