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I sit by the fireplace on my favorite couch in the world. It is the cabin where he held me for the first time, the porch where he told me that he loved me and then proceeded to show me what love looks like, it is the place where we have and will continue to share our love.

We have been snowed in for the past couple of days. It has been fantastic. We stayed in bed for a lot of it, showing all of our love to each other. We did somehow manage to pull ourselves out of bed long enough to do things like eat and shower. We played some poker and set up the tree. We hung decorations and talked about all of our family traditions, ones that we would keep if we had a family of our own. We enjoyed candlelit dinners and warmed up by the fireplace curled in each other's arms and wrapped in our love. In short, it has been romantic and sexy, heartwarming and comfortable.

This vacation, this time of being snowed in, has convinced me that I want this to be genuinely, officially, and unquestionably our cabin. Just as I want it to be our life, our dreams, and our future. I want to be here with him, to share a life with him, I want to run to this life with no looking back. I love sleeping in his bed, waking in his arms, discovering more about how his brain works, and I certainly love learning what makes him scream my name in the night as well as what makes me scream his. These have been fun discoveries, to say the least. Ones that I am pleased to keep exploring.

I want to share all of the moments, big and small.

I sigh as I think about these last few days confident that the smile on my face won't leave anytime soon. In addition to losing power, we lost phone service, which means that we have had no contact with the gang. I hope they are ok and all are in a safe place. I hope Betty and Phil, Jessy and Dan found each other before the storm set in.

I pick up my phone as I have the last few days, Just to check the service. This time I have a signal and a hundred messages and chat notifications. Every bell and whistle on my phone goes off.

Jake walks into the room and I am compelled to watch. He hasn't pulled his shirt on yet, and his black sweats are sagging low on his waist. My stomach still flip-flops when I see him this way. His hair is a disheveled mess and his bare chest still holds a few loose droplets of water which my eyes trace to his waist. By now, I thought this feeling would be over. I thought after a few days of ravaging each other that I would be able to resist him, but the closer that I am to him, and the more skin we shed, the more that I want to be with him. The more I think of his taste and his touch, the more that I want. I can not get enough of him. I can not be close enough to him. Right now with him this way, so casual and comfortable, I am having a hard time not pulling him close and having my way with him once again.

He is drying his hair with a towel allowing me to see every muscle on his toned chest. I am still in awe that a man who spends so much time on his computer can look like that. I will not complain. When he finishes, I see him smirking at me. I am honestly having a hard time determining what to do, should I answer my phone or spend more time with Jake?

"M... it is ok if you want to answer all of those beeps and whistles, but I know you are trying to figure out how to keep your hands off of me. I know that I am hard to resist." He smirks and pulls his shirt on over his head.

I am pretty sure that a sigh of disappointment escapes from my lips. I am also pretty sure, by the look on his face that he heard it. I don't really appreciate the overly confident attitude he has had lately. He winks and makes his way to the back of the couch, kissing me on the head. I lean back and my lips meet his. What begins as a soft kiss turns into more. His hand finds its way up the front of my shirt, his fingers barely brushing the bottom of my breast and his lips move their way to my neck. He kisses me hard, and I begin to tug on his shirt. He pulls away, "Mmmmmm.. you taste delicious." and he walks away teasing me.

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