Big brother

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Jake's POV:

I wake up still dreaming of her in my arms. I can't stop the smile from forming on my face. That may have been the most restful night of my life. Sleep has always eluded me. When Nana died, I stopped being able to let my brain rest. It was as though I was always waiting for something bad to happen and I couldn't let my guard down. That is until Mahri came into my life. Now I am at peace and can finally allow myself to relax.

It is a luxury.

The four years of hiding and the many years before that of being without a real family had taken a toll on me. With her in my arms, I no longer feel alone or afraid and I am able to rest and heal from wounds that I had long since locked away, wounds that I hadn't been able to deal with. 

The last time that I had slept this well was when we fell asleep on the couch and before that, I can't even remember. The smile on my face is evident, well, it would be evident had there been someone to see it. She wasn't here. I feel around to see if she has just rolled over, but there is nothing.

Disappointed, I slowly open my eyes to find the shades drawn. It must be late.

I watch her try to sneak back into the room. We will have to work on her stealthy skills. Right now, she is far from sneaky. I smile as she almost trips over a shoe and curses under her breath. She looks up and sees me watching her, I am sure she notices the slight smile that has crept up on the corners of my mouth, and her face flushes. "Shoot. You are awake. I was going to sneak back in hoping that you would still be asleep. I was hoping to cuddle a little before we have to start our day, even though it is already late. I tried to let you sleep. You are so cute when you are sleeping, and when you are awake if I am being honest." She whispers apologetically.

This is my favorite idea, starting the day with her, staying in late, and enjoying the feeling of her in my arms before anything outside of this room has to be dealt with. Someday, it will be the norm. I have to be patient. I will be patient.

"I am not yet awake, and I would never say no to a cuddle with you. I mean, that would be ridiculous. If I ever say no to a cuddle, check me for fever and take me to the nearest hospital." I say, opening only one eye to watch her and meaning every word.

She climbs back beside me, her arm sliding over my chest, her leg wrapped around mine. Heaven. This is what Heaven must feel like. I don't know what I think about the afterlife or the creator or fate or destiny, but I believe with my whole heart that her heart was made to be where mine dwells.

I wrap my arm around her tight, holding her close, and let out a deep sigh of contentment. We don't speak, we just feel the warmth of each other and drift off and on into that place where contentment dwells.

Then I feel a soft breath on my cheek and she kisses me.

I pull her closer until she is almost on top of me, and her eyes lock onto mine. "I am not complaining," I begin, "but if you start this, it will be very hard to stop. I have been dreaming of you all night and I..."

She interrupts, "Shut up and kiss me, you nerd."

I smile at the nerd comment, I am a nerd proudly, but I haven't heard that term since middle school. I stop and look into her eyes. "Nerd, huh?" I ask as a smile again crosses my face.

"Yes. Are you going to kiss me or do I need to rescind my offer?" She asks.

I knew I wouldn't say no to her offer. I slow down as my smile turns serious. Her eyes have a glimmer in them as she stares at my lips and then meets me back in the eyes. She is above me and I am holding her tightly, her hips resting on mine. Our breathing has slowed to match each other and the only thing that I can think of is her. I have to watch how far I go with her. It is becoming very hard not to explore her to the fullest.

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