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Jake's POV:

After my talk with Betty, I stay outside for a while to get cold so Mahri won't suspect anything. What I have planned for MC needs to be a complete surprise. It is too important for her nerves to get in the way. I am afraid that she will overthink things, but I am almost sure she feels the same way that I do.

I know without question, that our lives are meant to be shared.

Finally, allowing myself to return to the warmth of the cabin and her arms, I swing open the door. I don't see her and am about to call out her name when I notice a most incredible sight. She is waiting on the couch to warm me up just as I had requested, wrapped in a blanket, lying in front of the warm fire. She has, however, also fallen asleep and is the most gorgeous creation that I have ever laid my eyes on.

I crouch in front of the fire to watch her. Her hair falls in soft waves around her face, framing her beautiful features. Her skin has a rosy glow and is warm from both the fire and the blanket that is so tightly wrapped around her. Today, her natural glow shines through in the most classical of ways. She smells like coffee and coconut, cinnamon honey and pine, all of the things that have made up the last few days. Her hair takes on golden flecks as the firelight bounces across the room. I long to run my fingers through it, to feel its softness, to take her in my arms, but I don't get the chance to adore her like this very often and don't wish to let the moment pass, so without movement, my eyes continue to drink her in. I am drunk in her presence, intoxicated by everything about her. Her lips are a little chapped from all of our snowed-in activities creating a pink glow. I think of how her lips taste and wonder if she has used any of the coconut lip gloss that I love. I am jealous of the way the firelight dances on her silken skin.  

I remember the times we have shared here and get lost in the idea of sharing more of those times together. I want to spend the rest of our days like this, having her curled up on the couch, our couch, content and happy. How I want this to be the sight I come home to after a trip or a long day of work or just on a lazy Saturday.

I am done with being scared to ask her to share more of her life with me. I am done with having to make appointments to see each other. I want to be able to climb up next to her and have the world fade away whenever either of us desire. I will rectify that situation soon, but now, I am going to take off these wet shoes and this jacket, throw my beanie on the floor, hijack her blanket, and do the best I can to keep both of us warm. All night if I have my way.

I open the blanket and realize that she is truly as I requested, sans clothes, with a warm blanket, and a fire.

As I climb under the blanket trying not to wake her, I hear her mumble, "...too cold," and begin to retreat when I feel her arms wrap tightly around my waist. She pulls me in close to her, her voice becomes sultry and smooth, and she whispers, "Let me warm you up as I promised."

Have I mentioned that she is perfect and I want every moment to be like this one? It is true in every sense.

Her legs wrap around mine and as I pull her as close to me as I can, bringing the blanket up to cover us both.

"I missed you," she whispers into my ear as she nibbles on it, tugging and twisting it in ways that make me feel electric.

"Baby, I was only outside for a bit," I smile despite myself. She makes me feel wonderful. 

 "...too long," she groggily moans and continues her exploration, this time of my neck and shoulder.

"You had your talk with Jessy?" I ask, checking in on her emotions, trying to see if she is ready for the activity that I have planned.

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