The Rocket, Dinner Prep, and A Minor Disaster.

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Mahri's POV:

I wake up quickly to a knock on the door. I hadn't gotten much sleep because I kept reliving that glorious, perfect day that I had spent with Jake.  I wouldn't trade that day for anything.  I knew that I couldn't go back to the way things had been before.  My heart was settled on him and my spirit was only complete when I was in his arms.

It is fairly early, but hoping it is Jake, I check myself in the mirror before I open the door. I smooth down my hair, trying to make myself presentable just in case. Knowing that I wasn't really looking my best, I headed for the door anyway, afraid of  missing my chance to see him.  I was nervous, or excited, or both.  Whatever it was my stomach was doing flipflops.

Butterflies. That man always gives me butterflies.

It is just the mere thought of him, of his kindness of the way that he protects me and encourages me to be strong, and then there is the way that he can kiss, it shouldn't be legal. He can at once make me feel powerful in my abilities, completely cared for and weak in the knees.

I'm convinced that I would do anything that he asks if he pays me in kisses. In truth, I would probably do anything he asks just to see his smile or hear his laugh, but that shouldn't undermine the power of those kisses.

I realize that I have lost myself in thought when I hear someone knock for the second time.

Running to the door and opening it, I am disappointed to find that it is not Jake. It is a delivery boy, about thirteen, whose baseball cap is a little too large for his head and whose body hasn't quite caught up with the length of his arms. He carries a bouquet of orange  and white ranunculous with a figurine of a werewolf planted inside. A smile creeps up on my face. Jake is never going to let me live that down. I am not offended, I will use this as a reminder.  The night was perfect and the way he treated me after will long live on in my memory. 

Those butterflies return again in full force. It only takes as gesture from him to set my heart on fire.  I know the smile on my face must be ridiculous in size.

The boy also holds a large cup of coffee. I take it from him and with thanks. I shut the door and gulp down some of the coffee. It is perfect, as usual. He is incredibly thoughtful. I will add that to the list of the wonderful things that he is.

I look down and notice that on the cup, in his hastily scrawled handwriting, he has jotted down a note:

I can't wait to see you tonight and learn more about the one I love.

I quickly text him.

MC: Good Morning, Love Chunk. Thanks for making me feel loved. I can't wait to see you tonight.Jake: Love Chunk?  I deserve that, but no.  You are welcome and truly loved and it is my pleasure. :)

A smile crawls across my entire face. I will never hear it enough times. This wonderful man loves me through all that we have been through, all that he had to fight to gain his freedom. He still thinks of me when I should be thanking my lucky stars to be in his presence.

I try to control it, I really do, but the smile will not leave my face, I go through the entire morning this way, in a la la land, smiling and humming through all of my chores, dancing from room to room.  It is ridiculous, I know, that someone can make me feel this way. I never thought I would be that person.  He knows how to bring happiness to my soul, even when I should be nervous or terrified .He makes me feel secure and warm and complete.  I don't want to fight this, so I think I am not going to try. I want to live in the moment and allow myself to feel it all. I am happy and I am going to act like it, I am not going to be afraid or ashamed of it.

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