When Harry met Margaret

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We approach the dance floor. A couple of beers loosens us up to try to dance. At first, the band is a raucous mess, the music loud and blaring. All of us put our best moves out there. It isn't pretty. Our best moves are, well, not great. Betty still somehow manages to look sexy and Phil is practically drooling. He is cool, just moving side to side. As long as he is next to her, no one pays attention to him, which says a lot considering the appeal Phil has too many women.

Jake and I take the opposite approach and try to look even more awkward, laughing until our stomachs hurt. I love that he can be silly. This is something that I never would have predicted. He is shaking his hands in the air.  Whether it is the anonymity of the festival or the freedom that comes with the early stages of being in love, it doesn't matter.  He delights me and makes me laugh.  I hope this feeling never stops

We have been dancing for a while when the music turns slow and soft. This is the kind of dancing that I have been waiting for. Phil has also been waiting, apparently. His arms instantly wrap around Betty's waist and her head lays on his shoulder. I see Phil kiss the top of her head. I see her hand move to his butt and stay there. They are so cute. I hope things work out for them. Truly.

Suddenly, I feel Jake's arms wrap around me from behind, his lips graze my neck and I melt. He grabs one hand and spins me around so I am facing him. His face is all smiles and happiness. I look into his turquoise eyes and they soften.

"Shall we?" he asks, already knowing the answer. His face still retains the smile from earlier, though when my hand touches his, I see his eyes darken a little.

He puts one arm on my waist and holds out his hand for me to grab the other. We find our rhythm quickly. Things just work so well with him. I shouldn't be surprised.

"In a day of wonderful moments, I have been waiting for this," Jake says in a low voice. He pulls his hand close to my face and kisses the inside of my wrist. "Truthfully, I have been waiting for this since the moment we started dancing. I love holding you like this."

And I love being held by him. With that, His hand on my back lowers a little and I hold him close, my head resting on his shoulders. Jake starts humming the song. It is as if a warm blanket is wrapped around me. I feel more than the warmth, I feel his love.

I look over my shoulder to watch Betty and Phil, His lips on hers and hands roaming each other's bodies. Their love is burning fast. I hope that it doesn't burn out too soon. As if reading my mind, "They need to slow down a bit, don't you think?" He asks.

"Maybe," I say, "I want them to last. But there is something to be said about following your passion and living in the moment."

He pulls back and stares deeply into my eyes. Then, without a pause, he pulls my face towards his and he kisses me. This kiss is powerful. He doesn't wait to ask me, doesn't wait to be reassured, He just takes my mouth and my body and backs me toward the wall. I love this forceful side of him. It makes the kiss more passionate. It makes him more irresistible. Once I am leaning against the wall, I think he is going to give me the chance to catch my breath. He does not. He is insatiable like I am his water in the desert.

His mouth moves to my neck, causing sweet shivers down my spine. He leans deeper into me, one hand supporting his weight against the wall and the other, roaming my body, His hand sneaks up the back of my shirt and I am consumed with him. There is nothing else but him. My arms wrap around his waist pulling him closer still. There is no space between us. He suddenly pulls away and I miss his warmth. He holds his head down, one hand still against the wall, but his hand has, unfortunately, left my body.

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