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TW: language, violence, and blood.  

Dan is mad. I mean, really mad.

The night was unusually warm. The late summer rain covers the pavement. The air is thick with humidity. Aurora's neon lights are inviting and I would have thought it quaint if I wasn't hearing the screams from outside.

The door is a heavy iron door, the rust showing its age. As I open the door, Jessy's auburn hair flies past me.

"Dan, what the h..." her voice breaks as she surveys the surroundings.

The bar is filled with people, yet the only voices that I can hear are Dan's and the gorgeous blonde that is holding Jake's head. I see a couple of people with their phones out recording the chaos. All eyes are on Dan as he is clearly drunk and the aggressor.

Dan may be a teddy bear but when he is drunk, he is a loose canon. He also really doesn't like Jake and always seems to try and find an excuse to pummel him. It is a good thing Jessy is here. She is the only one that he will listen to in times like these.

"She has been at home crying about you for two days and you are here with this..." Dan is screaming at Jake, his eyes full of rage. His cheeks are red and he is shaking his hand. I can't tell if he hurt himself or if he is preparing for battle.

The blonde's voice interrupts, "Watch what you say about me, you piece of shit. What the hell is your problem?"

Jessy's face was covered with tears. She had been so worried since we got the phone call. She gets close to him, "Dan, please," she begs. "Take a deep breath. Let's go outside and get some fresh air."

I meet Phil's eyes. He looks angry, but he is keeping his emotions in check. He is the boss after all. I nod at him, letting him know we can handle this.

Dan ignores Jessy for the first time. "My problem, Doll, is that your boy here was professing his love to her two days ago and now, he is hanging out with you. Don't believe anything he says. Or did you know he was screwing you both?" Jessy tugs on Dan's arm trying to convince him to go outside. He is three times her size, so this has no effect.

In the midst of the chaos, I make the mistake of actually looking at Jake. His eye is swelling and his nose is crooked and still bleeding. He looks as if he is in a state of shock. I want to be the one holding his head and comforting him. Heck, I wasn't even the one to be there when it happened. She is there, however, and she is beautiful. Her blonde hair is in pristine condition and her full lips are perfectly accentuated by the lipstick that she wears while I am wearing an "I heart the A-Team" t-shirt and a pair of fuzzy slippers and I had absolutely no time or concern for makeup. She is also clearly comfortable with him. Does he have real feelings for her, ones that he felt while we were together? Damn you, Dan, for making me doubt his character. It can't be, but it sure seems that way.

I have to stop this train of thought and focus on the issue at hand. Jake looks as though he will survive, as long as we can stop Dan from continuing to attack him.

"What did Jake do to you?" she screams with a voice that is alluring even at this moment. "He never does anything harmful to anyone." She gently helps Jake to his feet and moves closer to Dan. I am honestly worried that I may have to hold her back. She is up to Dan's chin, but she feels bigger than him somehow.

"Bullshit," Dan says. "If you don't care that he is lying to you both, fine, but he will NOT fuck around with her heart," Dan says, pointing at me. "Screwing you both is a surefire way for him to get his ass kicked." Dan is still fuming. The blonde begins rolling up her sleeves as she slips out of her heels. She is beautiful and feminine, but she looks like she can handle herself in a fight.

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