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Mahri's POV:

It has been a couple of weeks since Dan apologized. During that time, Jessy and Dan continued to grow in their relationship, and where it had once been awkward, they were now in perfect sync. Dan has never seemed happier and Jessy is so cared for by him. Jake and Dan have been working very hard at building a friendship and it is good to see. Betty and Phil continue in their passionate affair, and while their feelings are getting deep, no one can deny the sexual tension that surrounds the air when they are around each other. It is incredible that a terrible night at a bar led to such a wonderful relationship.

Jake and I are wildly in love, though we haven't been able to spend any time together since the amazing evening and morning we shared. Once I was able to share my truths with him and he accepted me for who I am, who I was, it was as though a curtain was thrown open shedding light onto all of the dark spaces. There was nothing left to hide from him. No places to be kept in secrets and fear. I was ready to face and embrace everything that had been holding me back. I realized that I had nothing to lose by being in a relationship with Jake. I could only gain someone to share my life with just as Jessy had tried to tell me so many weeks ago.

I wasn't afraid of losing myself in him. But between Christmas events, having friends that we want to spend time with, and work obligations, we hadn't been able to share any sort of quality time together. It isn't that I haven't wanted to. That actually couldn't be farther from the truth. I want desperately to be in his arms and by his side. Right now, however, our lives are moving fast. Jake had his new job and he is trying to prove himself to his employers. He is also trying to earn a few extra days off after Christmas. I don't object, partially because it would do no good and partially because those days off will be spent with me, in his cabin cuddling and smooching, laughing and dancing, playing games, and hopefully more cuddling and smooching. I also have plans for Christmas and I can't wait to give Jake his present. I've been waiting since he told me about his favorite memory with his mother.

Lately, if I have a free night, he has obligated himself to help Dan or Betty. If I have a night off, Jessy and the girls want to hang out. Now that Betty and Jessy are close I can't say no. I love those girls and how can I refuse a budding friendship between Dan and Jake? If that means that I have to sacrifice a few nights of...passion, it is worth it in the end. They are our family and we can't live without family. I think for a minute about what we have all been through and I am proud of all of us. We have overcome many things and become stronger people with more affection for each other.

I just wish Jake would talk to his sisters. Maybe a New Year's resolution? It isn't worth bringing up now, but we won't be complete until all of us are together. I would love that. they need that.

Tonight we may get the chance to be alone, something I have been waiting for. I haven't been able to stop thinking about how his hands feel when they roam my body or how his kisses sit hot and soft against my skin. I can't stop thinking of the way his fingers feel when he takes ownership of my body. Whatever part he touches belongs to him and I am a willing sacrifice.

He sends me a coffee on the mornings that he can't drop by early enough to use the machine he bought me. His morning visits have become an excuse for a very quick morning interlude. These moments allow us to discuss our day and get in a few kisses. Sweet and caffeinated kisses including roaming hands and partial states of undress, until we realize that the day has started and our obligations outside of this house have as well. He still spoils me by sending me letters and flowers and sweet texts, more than I ever expected from him, more than I have received from anyone. He reminds me that I should have been receiving this kind of treatment from anyone who dated me or met me. He reminds me that I am worth it. I know that he is. I know that I love him, but every day, I learn a new facet, a new thing about him that makes me love him more.

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