Chapter 9

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Zayn's POV:

Me and Harry went to the car for a drive. We ended up in a empty parking lot.

"So. What should we do?" Harry asked

"We need to do something to Cholé... But not kill her something that will just make her go crazy, and make her not trust Liam anymore."

"Alright but how? She doesn't trust you especially... so you can't do anything. I would have to make her trust me and stay away from Liam as much as possible. And make him do something he'll regret." Harry said

He definitely had a good point there. She isn't going to trust me cause of what happened. So Harry was right he needs to get Cholé's trust.

"Alright. Lets go before they suspect something."

He started the car and drove back to the flat. I'm excited for getting revenge on Liam for punching me. But I don't want to betray my best mate.

Cholé's POV:

I haven't seen Zayn all day today. Today must be going good because he's not here. I was wrong until I saw him and Harry. He gave me one of those flirty smiles as Harry winked at me. I don't know why but I look like I just came off the streets. Almost like a hobo. Wearing sweat pants from Victoria Secerts and one of their jackets. My hair pulled into a messy bun. No make up. What is this to be found attractive. I walked into Liam's room and turned on the tv.

It was cool because the tv came out of the wall. Like how freakin awesome. I laid on the bed then I heard a knock.

"Who is it!" I said a coldly but sweet voice

Trust me once you get comfortable, someone always ruins it for you.


"Come in." What did he want?

"Hey beautiful."

"Hi? And I'm not beautiful!" We'll not right now I don't feel like it

"You are beautiful!"

"I have no make up on! I'm wearing sweat pants and a sweat shirt. Hair is up in a bun. Like no."

"I think you look beautiful with or with out make up. I prefer no make up cause it shows your natural beauty. Sweat pants? Who cares you are still beautiful and fit."

"I don't even exercise. I just play sports how does that mean I'm fit." He chuckled

"It means you're pretty in British terms." (I looked it up on goggle :) )

"Oh thanks." I probably look like a tomato right now

"Welcome. We should get to know each other more. But your always hanging around Liam like a lost puppy."

"We'll yeah cause he doesn't let me do anything with out him knowing it. Sometimes gets annoying. At first it was cute, but it kinda sucks now. It's all because of Zayn and what he did!"

"You can trust me I will never do that to you!"

I didn't know weather to trust him or not. I'm just so confused. Why are they being so nice all of a sudden? I mean I'm glad, but you would think kidnappers would be rude, lock you in a closet, don't feed you in forever, and etc. They don't do that. They're weird.

I was at first looking at my feet. Then I stared into his green eyes. They were so big and pretty. Up close they reminded me of the movie Bed Time Stories. The hamster buggy's. the hamster was so cute. I would die for a hamster with big eyes like that. ADHD is acting up again. I always get off topic.. He stared into my eyes and started to lean in closer. My breathed hitched as I stared at his lips. They were pink and plump. I leaned in and we kissed. It was so gentle and passionate. I loved every bit if it. I pulled back. He looked at me with confusion.

"What's wrong love?"

"N-nothing." I don't know why I even pulled back. I'm such a weirdo. Any girl would die to kiss Harry. Well fan I guess. He's such a sweet heart. He looked at me with confusion.

"Cholé? Cholé? CHOLÉ?"

I snapped out of my thoughts.


"Did you even hear me?"

"Of course I did!" Lied badly

"What did I even say?"

"Um. Something about buggy's?"


"Yeah the hamster from bed time stories. His eyes are big well bigger than yours of course. He's so pretty look him up. He's cute."

He pulled out his phone.


"Never said you do, just said your eyes do since they're so big!"

"My eyes aren't even that big!"

"They're pretty big, but like a cute big. Definitely fit your face." I slapped him lightly on the face and walked out.

I went downstairs to find Zayn in the kitchen. I looked quickly and started walking fast. Anywhere just away from him.

"Cholé wait!"

He grabbed my hand and stopped me from going anywhere. His grip was pretty tight.

"Can I talk to you?" He sounded so sweet and innocent

"I-I don't know? What about Liam? He'll be mad. Right!" Making a excuse just to not talk to him

"I don't really care for Liam just please I need to talk to you!"

I had never seen this side of him before. I mean he looks like a bad person from the start. The way his hair looks to the way he dresses. Is just senses 'stay away'. But I like it.

"Fine! What do you want?"

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry for what I did to you. I was just caught in the moment. It's like I couldn't help myself. Your just so beautiful. Please, please forgive me. Please!"


I was caught in the moment. I don't weather to forgive him or not...


You probably hate me for all these cliff hangers! I would hate my self too...

Trust me I'm not done yet there's definitely more too come... Haha :)

Oh No! Not Again! (One Direction Fan Fiction) **COMPLETED**Where stories live. Discover now