A Little Scare

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Requested by Sandrastar1


It was time for your sleepover at cuphead and mugmans house you were excited to say the least.
Packing your bag full of essentials such as a change of clothes,pajamas, toothbrush and toothpaste, hairbrush and your favourite book.
You zipped up the bag and put it on your back walking out your house and locking your front door on the way to elder kettles cottage.
Upon arrival you were suprised when you didn't even have to knock cuphead opened the door.
You understood why now however when mugman told him off.
"Hey it was my turn to answer the door!"
"But it's Y/N! I always answer the door when it's Y/N"
"Hi Y/N!"
You chuckled
"Hello cuphead" you replied with a smile he smiled back that adorable smile...it was so contagious.
"Come on in Y/N elder kettles just taking a nap" mugman stated
"Yeah bein elderly an all"
You nodded.
"That's okay"
The boys moved to the side and let you inside.
"You can put your bag in our room Y/N"
Mugman stated
"I thought I was going to sleep on the couch again?" You asked
The brothers looked at eachother.
"Well you can if you want to Y/N but we just thought you'd like in our room with us" cuphead replied
The brothers lead you up to their room and you put your bag down next to the bunk bed on the floor.

~timeskip nighttime~

The three of you had the best time playing games and finishing the day off with a lovely dinner and icecream you were now all in bed in your pajamas with your teeth done.
The boys were asleep. Out like light bulbs but you stayed awake you couldn't sleep you soon understood why as cuphead started to stir and mumble..
"No..no.no not them please..leave them alone..take me!.."
You frowned was he having a nightmare? The poor cup.. you flinched when he suddenly jerked awake.
You got out of your made bed on the floor and went to the side of the bunk bed next to the cup.
"Cuphead whats wrong?"
"Nothin baby I'm alright"
"Cuphead...your not alright.."
You replied with a blush.
"Baby I'm fine alright just had a little scare that's all.."
""Cuphead!~" you warned
"It was just a nightmare nothin to worry about"
"What about?"
"You and mugsy...the devil took ya"
"We haven't seen the devil in ages"
"I know but..."
"Elch don't worry about it just go back to sleep"
"Ohho no im not going back to sleep until you tell me"
His eyes welled up..
"I'm scared of losing you and mugsy~" he whimpered
"I don't want the devil to take you both away~"
"Aww cuphead it's okayyy" you cooed
"No it ain't I care alot about you both
Y/N I don't want to lose ya"
You blushed up again.
"I care about you alot to.."
"No No You don't understand Y/N I care about you alot alot"
"I do to"
"No No as in more then friends alot
Y/N...I....l-elch-i love-ehm-i love you?.."
Your blush deepened.
"I-i-uh..." you gulped..he looked so worried.
"I love you two.."
"You Do?!" He happily gasped.
You nodded.
He pulled you into a hug which at the level you were at kneeling down next to the bed the hug put your head in his chest.
Your blush turned as deep as possible.
"Heheh it's okay baby I won't bite ya~can't say the same about the devil though"
"Cuphead I promise the devil won't touch mugman or me"
"You bet he won't"
You stroked and rubbed his back.
"How about a lullaby will that help you get back to sleep?"
"Uhuh uhuh uhuh"
he replied nodding his head alot with a big smile as he let go of the hug you gigged.
"okay here goes.."
You took a deep inhale and exhale..

"Come stop your crying
It will be alright
  Just take my hand~

Hold it tight~
I will protect you
From all around you
I will be here
Don't you cry~

For one so small
You seem so strong
My arms will hold you
Keep you safe and warm~

This bond between us
Can't be broken

I will be here don't you cry~

Cause you'll be in my heart~
Yes, you'll be in my heart~

From this day on
Now and forever more~

You'll be in my heart
No matter what they say

You'll be here in my heart

The cup looked at you with wide eyes.
"How was that?" You nervously asked
"Beautiful~" He cooed with a romantic sigh.
You blushed again and notice a blush on his beige cheeks.
"Ya so pretty when ya sing"
"Hehheh your welcome~" He cooed
You went to go back to your bed but he grabbed your hand so you turned around without saying anything he held your head gently and pecked your cheeks not once not twice not three times but four! He pecked each cheek twice!.
You were a blushing mess and your whole body relaxed.
"Wh-what were th-they for?"
"All the times ya kissed me~"
"I-i only kissed you once"
He was asleep how did he?!.
Did mugman..no he wasn't even there how did he..was he half asleep when you found him that time?!.
He saw your confusion.
"Nawww Bayybeee~look at ya~ your as red as my pjs~"
"Oh sh-shut up!"
He pecked your nose...
"G-gah e-enough kisses!"
"Hehehheh" he cackled evily
"G-Goodnight cup-h-head"
"Night baby sleep well!"
"Y-you two"
You got back into bed but after a while you didn't hear cupheads snoring and you wernt asleep yet either.
"Baby? Are you still awake?"
"Do you wanna sleep in my bed again?"
Should you?
You got up and soon were under his covers with him but instead of him snuggling up to you.
You snuggled up to him..he was suprised but relaxed and snuggled up to you as well soon you were holding eachother in eachothers arms.
"Night baby~"
Your breathing was so relaxed and soon you passed out before him..

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