My Baby pt 2 🍋

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Cuphead wanted you to stay at the cottage after the events of what happened with the guy at the shops.

You didn't argue but on the way you both stopped by your cottage to get your plush and pjs.
Upon arriving to the cups cottage you both realised both elder kettle and mugman had already had food and gone to bed but left some out for you both.
After eating dinner you both went to the bathroom to do your teeth.
There was a silence between you too you had both been seperated due to the police questioning and hadn't spoken since you calmed him down.
The cup spat the tooth paste in the sink and soon you didnt to.
Whiping your mouths however you both still needed to get changed.
He stared at you and you stared at him.
"You wanna go first?"
You nodded.
The cup nodded and left the bathroom so you could shut the door.
After you did you started to strip off but didn't realise the cup cup had re-entered.
You jumped and covered yourself up.
"Cuppy I'm trying to-"
"I know but..I really wanted to apologise..I was growlin and shoutin ands you were telling me to stop but I wasn't-I didn't I kept punchin-"
"Cuppy you saved me. You protected me you don't need to apologise you had every right to hit the guy."
The cup still seemed unhappy with himself about the situation and shuffled his feet.
"It's just..I was scared..and worried..and jealous and that joik he could have hurt ya or kidnapped ya or-or raped ya and I wouldn't have known..the thought..scares me.."
He saddly stated.
"If I lost you. My Baby. I don't know what I would do..I wouldn't be able tah forgive myself if ya got kidnapped or raped by that guy..because I wasn't makin sure you were followin.. "
You blushed but smiled.
"It's alright I forgive you.."
The cup smiled widely and took his shirt off.
"Wh-what are you doing?"
"Gettin changed? Why don't we get changed together? It's quickah"
You looked away from him but complied and as the cup stripped off you removed the towel you used to cover yourself with and went to get your pjs.
But with water on the floor your slipped and hit your head on the basin.
"Ow dammit!"
"Baby! Are you okay?!"
He didn't care you were both naked he rushed to your aid and cupped your face with his now bare hands.
"Ugh my head.."
"Ya hit ya head?! Let me see baby show me"
You let him check your head.
"Naww baby~ ya got an egg formin! Ya must of hit it on the metal! Ya lucky ya didn't split ya head open!"
You both locked eyes.
"It will heal..I'll be fine.."
"I'll get ya some ice!"
You took his hand in yours holding him back.
"It's a little egg on my head cuppy I'm okay.."
He pouted
"Ya just as stubborn as me..of course ya get hurt after what happened earlier..can this day get any worse?".
"Yes..but it could also get better if you wanted it to"
The cup grinned
"Oh it could a few things could make it aloooot~ bettah"
"Me~ inside youu~"
He cooed you gulped.
"H-here? Now? But elder kettle-mugman-"
"Guess I'd just have tah keep ya silent then ha?"
You chuckled.
"When am I ever quiet when your in me?"
The cup smirked.
"Nevah~ but that's gonna change~"
"Don't guys want the other way around?"
"Yessss~ although I do like you moanin my name baby and beggin for more~"
You blushed up.
"tonight you could wake elda kettle n mugsy up soo cuppys gonna do what cuppy has tah doooo~"
He took out protection from the cupboard under the basin and slipped it on.
However he then grabbed his gloves.
"What are you doing with-"
He shoved them in your mouth almost making you choke.
He stroked your thighs making your blush deepen but you clamped your legs shut.
"Playin hard tah get won't woik ya know this baby~"
He grabbed your legs,lifted them and spread them apart..he didn't let them go though and shoved into you deeply.
He held your legs up and started thrusting roughly with no mercy.
"Mm~ Mm~ Mm~ Mm~ Mmmm~ Mm~ Mm~ Mm~"
You threw your head back into the cupboard making sure not to hit the egg on your head.
You gripped the floor he was never this rough before!.
It felt goooood!~.
Your eyes were already rolling back!.
The cup let go of your legs letting them sit on the floor bent.
He hovered over you and pinned you with all his body weight so you couldn't move anything but your arms.
Trapping you in a connection that could only be described as two magnets that finally found eachother.
You moved your arms and hands around the cup digging your nails into the cups back.
"Gooooh~ watchya nails baby~ "
He mumble moaned.
"Gmm Mm Mm Mm Mm mmmm!~"
The cup held the sides of your chest and kissed your forehead.
"Doin~ so~ well~ babyy~"
"Mm Mm Mm Mm mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmmmm!~"
You exposed your neck accidentally in the moaning but the cup didn't hesitate to sink his teeth into it to mark you.
Him being rough and going all put made blood drip a bit.
He was getting sloppy with the thrusts now.
"There we gooooh ohh ohh ohh ohh~ babyyyy~ hawwww~"
So fast.
So deep.
So sloppy.
"Mmmmm! Mmmmm! Mmmmm! Mmmmmmmm!~"
He moved to the right and automatically something built up within seconds.
"Oh boy here it comes~ get r-ea-dy bay-be~"
"Mm Mm Mm Mm Mmmmm Mmmmm Mmmmmm Mmmmmm MMmmmmmmm!!~"
"Ohhhh oh oh oh oh ohhhhh babyy~ babyy babyy Babyyyyy!!~ ohh bana-na o-oh-ohil!~"
You both let go at the same time flushing you both with great pleasure.
"Ohh yeah~ there it is~"
The cup snuggled up to your neck and you leant your legs up against the cup for support no longer being able to hold them up anymore.
You relaxed on the cup to..
You leant your head against his.
The cup pecked your cheek alot then leant back a bit.
"I know baby hang on.."
He pulled the gloves out of your mouth and you gasped.
"Good at-at least that guy was right about-about one thing"
"Ya ass is mine~"
He pulled out making you moan.
When the cup went to take the protection off he frowned.
"Oh no.."
"W-what? Did it break?"
"No No no no it's just"
He took it off and shook his head.
"I was to rough i- I made ya bleed"
"It's -its alright cuppy"
He looked at you.

~Lil timeskip~

All cleaned up and changed in pjs with the dirty protection disposed of you and the cup waddled to the shared bunk bed..well you did at least.. upon collapsing in the bed the cup collapsed ontop of you and pulled the blanket above you both.
"Night night baby"
"I love ya baby"
"I love you too"

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