Mistletoe Tradition

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Requested by Sandrastar1


It was christmas time in the inkwell isles and you couldn't be any happier spending it with the brothers at their teacup cottage.
As you and mugman decorated the stairs,cuphead put a wreath on the door and elder kettle put the tree up which you soon joined the boys in decorating.
Nothing could be better then this and you couldn't be happier the smiles on everyone's faces was such a change from pain,fear or guilt that you all felt through out the year of events.
You were just putting the last bauble up on the tree when mugman asked you something.
"Hey Y/N do you have decorations at your house and a tree?"
"Uhh yeah I do..do you boys want to help me decorate my home to?"
"We'd love ta plus you helped us it's the least we can do!"
Cuphead declared
"Okay let's go then"
"Bye elder kettle!"
"Cya elda kettle"
"Bye elder kettle thanks for having me over"
"Bye Kids Boys behave!"
"We will" "we will" the brothers said in unsion.
So with that the brothers followed you to your home and helped you pull out your Christmas decorations and just like that you all got to work decorating your walls,doors and shelves with tinsel,Christmas wreaths and baubles.
"Don't you have a tree?" Mugman asked
"Yeah I do see" You stated walking over to a cabinet and pulling out your fake tree.
"That ain't a real tree"
"No it isn't its much easier to clean up it works wonders"
"Hey maybe we should get one of those"
"Yeah it would be better then tryin to cut down a tree or hustlin porkrind for one"
"Let's decorate it!"
You put it in the middle of the living room and the three of you decorated it with tinsel first then the lights and last but not least the baubles and other ornaments.
You were so happy the happiest you've been in a while..you always were when you were with the boys.
After the tree was done you walked into the kitchen with them both following you at your sides.
"What now?" Mugman asked
"Do you boys like eggnog?" You asked
"Eggnog? What's that?" Cuphead asked
"Only the best Christmas drink ever" you replied pulling out a bottle of eggnog from the fridge you poured small taste tester glasses for the boys and a full one for yourself.
"Here try"
You handed them the glasses of eggnog and they took them mugman sipped it he didn't seem to mind it.
"Ermm I guess it's okay but it isn't the type of drink I'd have alot of"
But cuphead.
"Neat! It's so tasty~!"
"I'm guessing you want more?"
"Uhhuh uhhuh!"
"Alright here you go"
You poured cuphead a full glass and mugman half a glass knowing already that the mug probably wouldn't drink a full one.
After a bit of chatter,eggnog and laughing mugman went into the living room to move the tree into the corner.
Which left you and cuphead alone you were busy sipping back the last bit of eggnog in your glass when cuphead climbed onto the bench so he was at your level.
"Hey baby~"
"Can you look here a minute?"
You finished your glass and looked up at him.
"Whats wrong?"
"Nothins wrong but...look up.."
You did...was that...mistletoe...oh no...
"C-cuphead where did you find mistletoe?"
"It was simple I found it on the way here and thought I'd grab it for the perfect moment liiiiiiike~ now~"
"Ya know the tradition bayybeee~"
"I-uh don't know how to..kiss.."
"That's okay neitha do I we can learn togetha all it takes is for one of us to.."

He leant in close.

"Have da confidence to take tha first step~"
He pecked your lips!! Your E/C eyes widened but you relaxed into it and did your best to kiss back.
Cuphead lowered his arm that held the mistletoe and held your head in his gloved hands pulling you closer and making the kiss deep.
You both seperated for air and you got into a more comfortable position leaning on the bench.
Within seconds cupheads arms were back to pulling you close and your mouths were connected again eventually becoming a deep one again however you felt the cups tongue wanting access...you decided to play hard to get but that didn't last when he nipped your lip.
Then it happened the kiss went from innocent to passionate within minutes.
Tongues and all his was the clear winner of the dominance game but you couldn't take it you needed air.
You seperated again both panting and both blushing deeply.
"That was sensational~Your amazin~"
"S-so are-are you.."
"Hehheh" he evily chuckled he went to lean in again for a third time but
Innocent as innocence could be mugman walked in.
"Gah! Sorry sorry sorry I didn't mean to interrupt anything!"
"Mugman this isn't what It looks like!" You tried to defend yourself and the cup but mugman waved it off.
"Don't bother cuphead already told me all about it..I'll just leave you to alone to do your thing....."
You looked at cuphead still blushing deeply his was now a light blush.
"Y-you told him?'
"Of course I did he was bound to finds out anyways"
"Now where were we~?"
"But you don't have the mist-"
He pulled you into a third kiss by your shirt collar.
"I don't need no mistletoe when ya already my girl~"
You gulped.
"Nawwww no need to gulp baby I won't hurt ya eva"
He took your head in his hands again and you both gently reconnected for a brief moment in a fourth kiss!..
You closed your eyes...
But when you opened them he was still there kissing your lips..
It wasn't a dream this was really happening to you your crush..the one you love was kissing you....
You parted.
"I love you baby"
"I love you two"
"Nuhuh I love ya more~"

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