Sugar Land

140 4 3

Requested by LionessaVonBon

F/C🍬 = favourite candy


You were on a hunt today as you had run out of meat in your fridge to cook for dinner.
Stumbling through the forest however your snout picked up on a strong scent of sugar.
Suddenly a large red and white mint appeared and rolled passed you intrigued as to why there was a large piece of candy you followed it cautiously.
Following it you found large tree with a spilt in it as if it was a doorway! A doorway in which the mint disappeared inside.
You tilted your head to the side in curiosity and a chirp you looked left and right..
You were in raptor form nothing would be stupid enough to attack you so you approached the tree and walked through the doorway.
Soon the forest turned into a place made of sugar,candy and sweets of all shapes and sizes!.
A strange song played calling the location you discovered sugar land.
The boys would love this place! You wanted to go and tell them straight away but noticed F/C🍬!.
You perked your head up and bolted over chowing down on it and enjoying,savouring every bite until a high pitch voice suddenly startled you.
"Hi there!"
You jumped and turned around a lady with brown hair and a red and pink dress greeted you.
"Oops sorry to startle you! My names baroness Von Bon Bon Welcome to sugar land where you can eat alllll~ the sweet treats you desire! Of course there's a few rules Don't eat my candy castle And don't tell anyone about sugar land!"
Blast! How were you going to tell the boys if that was a rule? Oh well.
"But of course you don't speak much do ya? Hehehehe that's okay I can allllll~ day! It's rare I get company! I can't leave sugar land cause of an ancient curse!"
You snorted she was creeping you out a bit with how enthusiastic she was.
"What even are you? Haven't seen something like you around sugar land before!"
She walked around you feeling uncomfortable you moved away.
"Hey what's the matter don't you want any more sweet treats? you can eat all the F/C🍬 you want!" Baroness declared you looked at the F/C🍬 although you loved F/C🍬 you should probably return to cuphead and mugman.
You could always come back another time.
You shook your head.
"Oh pleaseeee it gets so lonely here in sugar land!" She stated
The brothers could wait a little longer..and cuphead did tend to eat all your candy and alot of candy in general..
You huffed and looked back at the
However the baroness started giggling alot.
This made your decision final and without a second thought you ran off back to the split in the tree and off to the brothers cottage.
Changing into a human you knocked on the door.
Cuphead answered
"Hi baby where've ya been?"
"Oh cuphead I've got to tell you about this cool place I found!"
"Cool place?"
"Yeah you and mugman will love it!"
"Has it got a watah fall or somethin?"
"No No I found it on my hunt for food where's mugman?"
"He's gettin shoppin with elda kettle"
"Whats the place ya found?"
"it's called sugar land! Its awesome its full of candy everywhere!"
The cups eyes widened.
"Sugar Land?! Baby Tell Me Ya Didnt Eat Da Candy! Did Tha Baroness Hurt Ya?!"
The cup panicked scanning your body for injuries.
He knew about sugar land?.
"No she didn't hurt've been before? Why didn't you tell me?"
"Cause the baroness is creepy physco! She lures ya in to eat her candy,you turn into candy then she eats you! Me and mugsy nearly didn't make it out of dat place alive!"
"Baby tell me ya didn't eat tha candy!"
"There was F/C🍬! I couldnt resist!"
"Gah! Okay uhh....we gotta get you home before anyone sees ya!"
The cup grabbed your hand and ran with you out the cottage to your home started feeling weird..
"Cuppy..somethings wrong.."
"Ya probably starting ta change!"
You looked at your hand you were turning red!.
"I'm turning red!"
The cup threw your door open and shut it.
"Baby don't panic! It wears off ova time ya just gotta stay here so ya don't get eaten!"
Your body changed back to raptor form and instead you were..a gummy raptor! You were a gummy! Raptor like a gummy bear but a Dinosaur!.
You panicked a little you were so squishy.
You looked at the cup fearfully now knowing he could probably eat you.
"Don't worry I won't eat ya i'll go..but I just heh can't believe it..ya a gummy to"
He became a gummy? After he ate the candy in sugar land?.
"I should go..but let dis be a lesson no goin to sugar land it ain't safe!"
You gave a nod and the cup opened the door but looked back at you.
"As I said it wills wear off....but might I add ya make a pretty cute Dino gummy"
He smirked and with that the door shut closed and you were left as a Dinosaur gummy for a few hours before the spell wore off.

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