Taken Away

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You were just enjoying your time cooking some biscuits for your boyfriend and his younger brother mixing the chocolate melts in with the dough and shaping the dough into cookies on a tray.

You were listening to some tunes on the radio and humming along to the lyrics the brothers were coming over later so you wanted to suprise them with this treat.
You knew elder kettle never shared his cookies with the brothers and you didn't want them breaking into the cookie factory or stealing cookies again so you made cookies for them whenever they came over.
They loved that you did such things for them they appreciated it alot, once all the cookie dough was shaped and put on two trays you slid the trays into the oven.
You perked up..what was that?..when you turned around..the devil was in your home!!.
"What are you-"
Someone put a bag over your head and another
Was heard the bag was taken off of you and you were thrown into some chains....again....the chains clamped around your wrist and you hung there by your wrists.
"Good work dice that little cup will surely trade his soul for her!" Devil declared.
"Let me go! Let me down from here right now you jerk!"
King dice and the devil just laughed and mocked you..for hours..


Me and mugsy had arrive at Y/Ns house..but the door was open?! We both walked in and mugman saw the oven on fire.
He gasped and ran over opening it and putting a wet teatowel on it.
"That's not like Y/N to burn cookies..or any of her cooking!"
"Baby? Ya here?"
I called..no response..she always answers me.
Me and mugsy searched around the whole cottage but she was nowhere to be seen.
"She wouldn't just up and leave if she knew we were coming or if she had food in the oven something isn't right!"
My face went pale..
"What if-what if that guy took her! What if he broke out of jail and took my baby!!"
"Cuphead he's still in jail we would have gotten warned if he had escaped remember?" Mugman comforted
"Then where is she?! Where's my baby?!"
Sweat trickled down the sides of my face..I wasn't worried..I was terrified..
"Maybe king dice took her?"
"Oh no....the devil!.."
"What makes you think that?!"
I pointed to a note so mugsy picked it up.
"Dear Cuphead....your girlfriend is mine if you ever want to see her again..come and get her...the devil.."
"I gotta go get er!"
I bolted out the cottage but mugsy followed behind.
"How?! How do we even get to hell!? You don't have the Pitchfork this is suicide!" Mugman warned.
"Well that's easy mugsy I still have this!" I pulled out the glowing chalk.
"All I gotta do is draw a box says the words and poof we're in hell!"
"How will we save Y/N you have nothing he wants apart from your soul!" Mugman stated I stopped and froze..he had a point..
"Then I'll just have tah make that trade.."
"What!?! NO!"
Mugman stopped me and pulled me back.
"I wont let you do this for Y/N I know you love her but dying for her?!"
"Eh so? Ain't that what love is supposed to be about? Loving them so much you'd give up anythin and everythin? Just tah make em happy or see em smile?"
He looked suprised..
"If I die for her..to me..that's doin my job at protecting her.."
I shrugged.
"But cuphead you'll be dead you'll never see her or me or elder kettle again!"
He had a point there to..
"What else am I supposed to do?! Let the devil keep 'er?"
"No..I have a plan but I need you to trust me"
I sighed.
"Alright mugsy..I trust you.."
So with that we sat down and in the dirt started to make a plan on how to get my baby back.


The devil watched you from afar..he was smirking as he saw you in pain from your wrists..again..you tried to change but the cuffs restricted you ability to do so.
You felt like your hands were going to fall off..you were losing hope with every hour that went past..


"Neat let's do this!"
Mugman nodded.
"Yeah let's save our friend and your girlfriend!" He cheered
Mugsys plan was full proof.
We didn't need to worry about our souls..the devil couldn't take them because of stickler.. we grabbed our joined bike and i grabbed the chalk and drew a square.
"Surface world I'll see you later down I go in this elevator!"
The ground rumbled and mugsy hugged me as the elevator appeared.
We both walked inside with the bike and suddenly dropped into the underworld the door opened and we snuck through and around untill we found her!.


You were relieved again you were saved by your fearless cup Rodgers!.
The cup and mug helped you down and they inspected your wrists..
"Naw baby not again.."
"We gotta patch those up"
"Ta ta ta ta your going nowhere! I want my trade! Your soul for her!"
"I got somethin bettah.."
"Better then your soul? what's that?!"
The devil asked.
"Well..me and cuphead figured out you can't take his soul anymore or Y/Ns they didn't lose soul ball or any other carnival game" mugman stated.
"I'm the devil I take whoseever soul I like!" The devil replied.
"No ya caint..but to make ya feel bettah for goin all this way tah try..we gotcha a little somethin!"
"Really? What?" The devil asked seeming now excited.
Mugman suddenly slammed something into the ground that released and awful scent the three of you blocked your noses and the brothers ushered you away on the bike the cup cradling you on his lap as he rode but the devil fanned his nose.
"Peeyou! That's Awful!...Hey! Get back here!!"
He transformed into and and octopus and tried to swat at you all but missed not being able to catch up he changed into a dragon!.
You looked back!.
"We're not going to make it!" You cried
"Hang on!"
"We're almost there baby!"
The cup and mug swerved out the way of flames the devil shot and skidded to a stop infront of the elevator..you all quickly got off the bike and crammed in just before the devil could reach you all.
The elevator stopped with a ding and the doors opened you were back in the woods..you all quickly left and the elevator descended back down to hell.
The brothers took you home and instead of you cooking cookies mugman did as cuphead patched you up.
"You came for me.."
"Of course I dids! Your my baby!"
"Cuphead was willing to actually trade his soul for you!" Mugman declared placing the new cookie tray in the oven.
"Wait ..really?"
"Yeah..heh my bad.."
"Good thing I had a good plan huh!" Mugman stated.
"Yeah..thanks mugsy"
The cup hugged you.
"I don't know what I would've done if the devil kept you down there.."
"But you rescued me....my cup Rodgers.. "
You stated then whispered the cup giggled a bit with a smile and a blush..but that deepened when you pecked his little red nose after he pulled away from the hug.
"Elch! Gross! Nomore!" Mugman grimaced.
The cup grinned.
"Of course my damsal~"
The cup pecked your lips then your nose.
You blushed deeply which made the cup smirk feeling triumphant.
Mugman walked over and got imbetwen you both.
"And that's enough while I'm here..elch!"
You and the cup both chuckled and giggled

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