Picked On

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Requested by Sandrastar1


You were out on a shopping spree for supplies before cuphead and mugman came over for an adventure to the arcade.
You had grabbed some steak,ribs,lamb chops and kebabs.
You had paid for them and were walking back home with bags when you heard it.
"Your such a loser!"
"I can't believe your in love with a human! Your two different species!"
"Cross breedings disgusting!"
"She's probably just using you!"
Wow..what jerks! Who were they picking on?.
"I ain't a losa! She ain't human she's a hybrid she's called a hudin! And I don't care whatcha think!"
You walked over and hid behind the bushes cuphead had his hands on his hips.
"She ain't using me either she loves me just as much as I love her!"
Cuphead sternly declared
"A hybrid? That's even grosser!"
"Elch! Grooooossss!"
"Youse are just jealous I got a girl and you ain't!"
"Jealous? Of you? Hahahahaha"
You put your bags down and emerged.
You shouted they all looked over at you.
"Hey look who it is!"
"The girl of the hour!"
"We were just talking about how disgusting your relationship is with him!"
The hyena,jaguar,leopard and jackal laughed.
"The only disgusting thing I see is a bunch of low life's!"
They all stopped laughing and looked at you.
"Who do you think you talking to?!" The hyena snapped.
"A scrap eater!" You snapped
"Oh I'm going to make you pay for that!"
The jaguar and leopard held him back.
"Baby cmon they ain't worth it!"
The cup pulled you back.
Towards his cottage home.
"Ain't worth it? You know what let him go!" The jackal stated the jaguar and leopard let the hyena go and he lunged at you.
Neither you or the cup had time to react before the hyena knocked you to the ground and hit you in the face.
"Hahahaha look at her face!"
"She looks so dumb!"
"Oh look she's bleeding!"
"Why ya little how dare you hurt my baby! gah!"
Cuphead lunged and a dust cloud formed as the five fought.
You clutched your nose and kept pressure looking in worry at the fighting cloud for your cup.
Soon the dust cleared and ....he had won....he panted as the hyena,jackal,leopard and jaguar were on a pile defeated.
He had a black eye a chipped tooth and the clothes on his body being torn in places but even in his hurt state he rushed to your side.
"Baby your nose let me look!"
"Cuphead I'm okay my nose is fine
....look at you"
You put your hand to the side of his face and stroked his bruised eye.
He whinced from the touch.
"What were you thinking?" You worriedly asked
"I couldn't let them talk to ya and hurt ya like that baby"
"But what about you? how they were talking to you was horrible!"
" I don't care! How they talk to me or what they do to me it dosent matta what mattas is that your okay baby!"
He whipped the blood off your nose with his yellow gloved hand which made you blush a little.
"Let's get you cleaned up mister"
You stated
"Does that make ya misses~baby~?"
You blushed deeper.
He grinned.
"Cmon then you"
He took your hand and helped you up on the way you picked up your shopping bags and the cup lead you to your home.
You put the bags in your kitchen and you lead the cup to your couch.
"Baby what are ya doin?"
"Stay here a second"
You went back to the kitchen and grabbed some medicine for his eye.
You walked back to the living room.
The cup looked upset.
"Cuppy? What's wrong?"
His eyes welled up and his lips pooched.
"Cuppy? Hey what's wrong what the matter?"
Tears streamed down his face and beige cheeks and soon his eyes pooled out like fire hydrants
"Oh no no cuppy don't cry hey.."
You walked over and sat beside him rubbing his back.
He hugged you.
"Baby do ya-ya r-really think our relationship is g-gross and disgustin? Are ya just usin me?"
"What? No cuphead I'm not using you I love you!. I love your humour,your lack of common sense,your protectiveness and caring nature your the best and most fun boyfriend I could ask for and I don't care what other people think about us our relationship is pure and true they can think whatever they want"
You replied as you hugged cuphead back and rubbed his back in support.
He sniffled
You nodded.
"Yeah really"
"Im not usin ya eitha! love ya too sooooo much! I wanna hug ya and squeeze ya and kiss ya all da time! I love all of it! The way ya support me and take care of me even when you need it more heh ya know what....your right our relationship is pure and true! I shouldn't let what dose joiks! Say effect us! Ya my babyyyy~"
He purred up to you.
"I dont even know why I got so upset!"
You blushed.
"I don't know why either those guys were just big bully's who probably dont have a life" You replied "now hold still."

"What is dat stuff?"
"Medicine for your eye"
"My eye?"
"Your eye"
"What about ya nose?"
"It's stopped bleeding I'm fine you on the other hand have a black eye, a chipped tooth and ripped clothes!"
"Ey! Watch ya tone baby cmon its alright it doesn't hurt that bad it was totally worth it Relax plus I'm sure ya like seein some of my body~"
"H-hey!" You yelped in embassment.
"Heh heh heh heh~"
You felt a lump in your throught by the cups grin but gulped it down.
"J-just H-hold still"
He held still and you put the medicine on your fingers gently rubbing it on his eye.
He whinced and grunted but soon it was done.
"There all done"
"Are ya sure~"
"Heh Heh Heh Heh we'll see~"
"Cuphead!" You yelped.
He shuffled closer so you scrambled back.
"Whats the matta baaaaybeeee~"

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