First Time 🍋

742 9 3

Requested by CutiesloveLollyland


You felt a little overwhelmed going to the brothers cottage today, this was due to the fact you hadn't visited in a few days being busy with hunting and shopping for winter in the city.

You weren't sure If cuphead would be happy to see you or upset with you as you hadnt visited in his defense it had been 2 days.
As you were coming close to the cottage you noticed that elder kettles car wasn't there....perhaps they had gone out? You approached the cottage and went through the gate walking up to the door and knocking anyway.
The goat walked over to you so you gave it a pat getting what it wanted it went back to eating grass from the front lawn.
There was no response..noone home? You'll just come back later..
You went to turn to leave but the door opened.
The cup embraced you in a warm loving hug before you could even answer.
"Where have ya been! How come ya haven't visited?" He asked
"I'm sorry..I've been really busy getting stuff for winter.."
You replied.
"That's okay come on in elda kettle and mugsy are out doin the same they told me ta stay home"
The cup took your hand gentle and lead you inside.
He looked up at you.
"So baby what did ya get for wintah?"
"Just food and clothes..hudins don't do good in the cold unfortunately"
The cup gave you a worried look but then smiled.
"At least ya got that big Dino sweatah you could always wear dat in human form you'd be as snug as a bug!"
Cuphead lead you up the stairs.
"Ya know ya may as well live with me amd mugsy ya all alone all da time In dat cottage of yours"
"I know's the only thing I have left of my family.."
"..I see ya point but....I really don't like ya being all alone all the time."
You entered the cups bedroom with him and you both sat on his bed the bottom bed.
"That's sweet of you but I can assure you I'm fine"
"But if wintahs comin up and ya hudins dont do well in wintah you could struggle ya cottage doesn't have a fire place like ours! It could get really cold! What if ya get hurt? Or sick? Me and mugsy won't be able ta help ya or know ta help ya until da end of wintah which might be to late!"
Awwwwww he was so worried!.
"Why are you so worried? I've got plenty of winter clothes and I've survived in that house for winters before"
"I ain't worried!"
He pouted..
"It's just this is ya first wintah all by ya self in dat cottage..and will be our first time bein far apart for so long.."
He did have a point on that one winter lasted a month in the inkwell isles and some winters were rough with snow and snowstorms.
You never knew how much he really cared for you until now..he could deny it all he wanted but he was worried.
"Baby..please stay with us dis wintah.."
"But..where would I sleep?"
"In my bed with me! We could snuggle and I could keep ya warm plus we have da fire place which makes the cottage nice and toasty!"
He declared but then took your hands in his gloves.
"Please baby we couldn't survive 4 days apart how do ya expect us to survive 30?"
You nodded.
"Okay..your right..I'll bring my stuff over later"
"Neat me and mugsy can help ya settle"
You both fell silent..
To silent...
There was a tension in the air one you couldn't describe..

You looked at the cup who stared up at you slightly before shuffling closer and leaning in.
His beige lips soon connected with yours and after a bit the kiss became more heated with you both moving properly onto the bed kicking your shoes and socks off.
His body slipped imbetween your legs,you moved your arms back to support your body as he kissed you more roughly.
His tongue searched your mouth before his gloved hands moved to your hips..this was the most heated you too had gotten when it came to kissing and soon it became hotter.
You realised what tension this was and blushed up as red as his shorts and your scales.
He blushed to but was to focused on seemingly eating your face you both needed air however and seperated panting a little.
"Baby..can we?..ya know? Can we lay in da hay?"
" you have any uhh.."
The cup perked up but nodded alot.
"Yeah I'll go grab em"
He quickly bolted off but came back soon and jumped on the bed with you.
Continuing the kissing but imbetween he helped remove your clothing and removed his own soon you were both just down to under garments.
"Are ya sure ya ready for dis?"
You nodded.
"I..can't stay a virgin forever..I'm ready"
"Me to..let's do dis"
He leant in but moved his hands behind you and unclipped your bra throwing it to the floor with the rest of your gasped a little and blushed up again.
"Relax baby..I ain't gonna hurt ya"
You nodded.
He looked at your chest and stuck his tongue out then looked at you extending his hand gave a slight nod as an it's okay.
He moved his gloved hand to your breast and groped it.
"Hah?'s squishy.."
You groaned a little in pain and pleasure as the curious cup moved it and massaged was a little painfull but felt good to it was good pain....
He moved his hand away after a bit and kissed you again before pulling away.
He helped you move your underwear off and onto the floor.
You looked away from him out of embarrassment.
He shook his head side to side and removed his yellow gloves and his white and red pok a dot boxers.
His member wasn't big however it was thick and you didn't judge a guy by his penis size you judge them by how big their heart is and how much they truely loved you and cuphead.
He loves you alot! He your boyfriend after all!.
He put the protection on himself and looked at you.
"Are ya ready baby?"
"I'm a little scared but..yeah"
He took one of your hands in his.
"I'll be gentle..I Promise!"
You nodded and leant your body back a bit on your arms..
The cup got the hint and moved his waist in between your legs giving you one last look before finding your entrance.
You bit your lip a little and as the cup pushed inside you both let out a moan and groan.
It hurt so much! A tear left your E/C Eye but cuphead whiped it away and waited for you to adjust a bit.
He leant in and snuggled his head into your shoulder where he kissed and licked your neck.
You gasped at this sudden attention to your neck but gasped again when you felt pressure he was nibbling it!.
You dug your fingers into the cups bed and looked at the top bunk your lower was feeling less painful as your private part adjusted to his.
He left one last long lick up your neck from where he abused it before pulling his body away and with a grin moved it forward back into you in a thrust.
The cup smirked and did it again causing you to hum moan again
He put a hand to your hip and the other to the side of your chest.
He picked up the pace a hurt still but it was withstandable pain.
He grunted the slightest and you kept humming he could tell this was still causing pain so he moved more to the left..that made it hurt more..he moved to the right and the pain faded and only pleasure occurred making you properly moan.
Cuphead grunted a little.
"Gg~..that's bettah.."
You bent your knees upward for the cup and spread them futher apart to..
Causing him to be able to thrust easier.
The cup not getting any moaning out of you apart of hum moan sped up the pace on the spot.
"Naww bannana oil.."
The bunk bed started to creak and move back and forth and eventually your arms became to weak to hold you up right.
The cup moved his other hand to your other hip making his member go all the way in..
You couldn't handle the pleasure any more.
You arms gave in and you layed back on the bed, the cup moved up the bed so he hovered over now being in line. The cup was only smaller then you due to your legs giving you most your height at 5'3 the cup was 3'5 the cup moved his hands back to there original position on your hip and side of your chest.
You both locked eyes before you looked back at the top bunk in pleasure your eyes rolling back a little.
"Naww C-cuphead!~" you moaned
"Gah~ Baby~" He grunted
You put your hands on the cups back.
He grunted "baby~"
The bunk bed creaked as it moved back and forth.
"I'm sorry baby I caint~"
The cup moved at full speed as quick as he could.
"Ohh~ there we go baby~"
"Cuphead~ ah~ah~!"
Something inside you started to build up and the moment seemed like heaven on earth your E/C eyes shrunk so did the cups.
"C-cuphead~ ah~ ah~ awh~ awh~ "
"Holy Toledo!~ so close baby!~ so close~ just a little~ more~ elbow Grease!~"
"C-cuppy~ C-cuppy~ I-I cant-~ c-cup-cuppy!~ Naww~awh~ awh~ awh~ awh!~ah~ah~"
You dug your fingers into the cups back this was it..the cups straw shot up straight and his eyes widened.
You felt warmth enter your body and something in you let go so much pleasure occurred in your lower, the cups straw relaxed back to a bent appearance and the cup collapsed ontop of you, you both panted so much and you let your legs lay flat on the bed.
Both a sweating mess the cup gave a few more thrusts then left your body.
"Sorry baby i caint stay inside ya forevah"
The cup pulled off the protection and got off the bed cleaning himself up and getting changed again he left the room and soon came back to see you still on his bed naked.
"Ya gotta get changed b-before mugsy and elda kettle come h-home..elda kettle will kill me! And....mugsy will proobably~ h-ave a heart attack" the cup panted
You sat up using your arms again that only shook and looked at the cup.
"C-can you h-help me?" You panted
"Of course I can!"
He walked over and helped you get your clothes back on.
"Can ya stand up?"
You did but your legs wobbled so you sat back down "I'll take that as a no"
You looked back at the bed and saw you had both made a mess..
"The-the bed.."
The cups pupils shrunk to near specks.
"Wh-what do we do?"
He shrugged
"Change da covahs?"
"I'll change em here" He picked you up bridal style and carried you down  stairs onto the couch.
"You stay here I'll go and change da bed if mugsy and elda kettle get home distracted em for me okay baby?"
You nodded so the cup smiled and pecked your cheek.
"I'm so proud of ya ya did a sensational job!"
"Th-thank did.. a-amazing to.." you panted
"Heh heh bet ya lowahs feelin great Ha?" He chuckled
You blushed deeply and looked away.
"Heh heh don't worry I won't tell a singleeee~ soul" He evily chuckle cooed with a smirk of pure mischief.
"See ya soon~"
The cup bolted upstairs and you sighed and relax into a dreamy state you can't believe that just happened..
Your lower felt so good..
You curled up on the couch however and kinda passed out..

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