Broken Bone

213 4 0

Requested by Sandrastar1


You and the brothers were going for a walk in the woods and just in case cuphead decided to bring his bat along for the trip.
The brothers walked on each of your sides as you strolled through the wilderness.
"I still don't know why you had to bring the bat cuphead" mugman declared.
"It's just a precaution in case mugsy"
Cuphead replied
"In case what?" You asked
"Ooooh my bet is in case he needs to protect youuuu~" mugman tease cooed
A blush appeared on both of your faces yours being deeper.
"That ain't true it's- in case in general!" Cuphead stammered
"I don't need protecting I turn into a Dinosaur if anyone's protecting anyone I'd be protecting you boys" you replied
"Not if I have anythin to say about it!"
"Awwwww couples arguing already?" Mugman asked
You and the cup replied in sync you sighed and walked off ahead to inhale more scents of nature.
"Hey baby wait up!" Cuphead called in a worried tone
"Don't worry cuphead she'll be fine without you for two seconds!" Mugman teased.
"Hey I ain't worried!" Cuphead sternly declared.
You looked back at them for a few seconds instead of paying attention to where you were walking and stupidly tripped on a root from a tree and rolled down a hill.
You hit a few things on the way down but something solid hit your leg causing a very loud CRACK to be heard which soon caused pain to shoot up your leg when you landed.
You were scratched and bruised as well and this was due to you being part human with delicate skin.
"Baby hang on me and mugsy are commin!"
You groaned and tried to move but your leg refused and only pain shot up your body you managed to sit up and noticed why you were in so much pain..your leg! Was broken! The bone was sticking out slightly causing blood to leave your wound.
You whimpered and felt tears cloud your vision.
"Ahhahaaaa!" You cried
when the brothers appeared safely at your side cuphead cupped your head in his hands so you could look at him.
"Baby look at me where's it hurtin?!"
He worriedly asked
"E-everyw-where~b-but my leg! My leg its-its!" you whimpered
"Gah! Eww ew ew ewwww that's bad!" Mugman grimaced
"What is it mugsy?!"
The cup looked over at his brother in a panic but noticed your leg in the process.
"Holy Toledo!!"
"What do we do cuphead?! That's really badly broken!" Mugman stated
"I dunno!..we gotta get her to the hospital!" Cuphead replied
"How?! There's no phone to call for help and we're down a hill!" Mugman stated
Cuphead looked at you in concern and moved back to your side where he kneeled infront of you.
"Baby look at me"
"B-but my-my leg I-I can't it-" You whimpered.
"Hey hey shhhh it's alright your gonna be okay me and mugsy are gonna get ya out of here I promise!"
He put his forehead on yours.
"I promise."
"Cuphead we have to stop the bleeding! She's loosing blood!" Mugman stated
"How do we do that?!" Cuphead frantically asked
"We need something to wrap around it!" Mugman stated
Cuphead looked at you worriedly and took your hand which you held tightly but nodded.
"Okay..okay here use dis!" He took off the blue sweater he was wearing.
The one he wore to the haymaze and passed it to his brother leaving him in his usuall black long sleeved shirt.
"But cuphead-" mugman went to argue
"Just do it mugsy I can always get a notha! But I caint get anotha Y/N!" Cuphead declared you blushed deeply at the comment causing you to forget about the pain in your leg for a few minutes.
"Awww might wanna-"
Mugman stated
"I know....Hey baby look at do ya feel about a nice-"
Pain shot up your leg as mugman wrapped the sweater around your wound and above it.
"Gaaaahhh stop stop it ow ow ow ow Ow get off! Get it off! Ahhhahaaahh!" You cried
"Baby it's okay it's okay it's nearly ova your doin such a good job! Your so brave it's alright sh sh sh sh shhhhh!"
Cuphead replied but you wrapped your arms around him in a crushing hug.
"Woa! Okay alright your alright baby there you go!"
He rubbed your back and pecked your cheek.
"Almost done this bits going to hurt the most" mugman stated
"Hug me as tight as ya neeeeed~!"
Cuphead cooed
"Gaaaaahhh! Ahhahaaaahhh mhmhmm!" You cried and dug your fingers into the cups back.
"There ya go nearly done ya bein so brave baby I'm so proud of ya layta we can go for icecream!"
"Done!" Mugman declared
"See ya did it!"
He pecked your cheek a whole bunch.
"Now what do we do we still have to get her up the hill and to the hospital!" Mugman stated
"Leave that to me....hold on baby!"
Cuphead moved to a spot where he could lift you up and scooped you up bridal style.
"Cuphead!!" Mugman scolded
"What? She's as light as a featha! I got her! Come on!"
Cuphead started walking up the hill with you in his arms and mugman followed behind..
You looked at the cup..he was so determined and desperate to make sure you got to the hospital safely and finally it was him carrying you.
Not the other way around.
"C-cuppy~" you whimpered
"It's alright baby your Alright I gotcha! I'm gonna get you to the hospital no matta how long it takes!"
"Cuphead do you need any help?" Mugman stated.
"Nuuh! I got her!"
Cuphead argued you hid your head in the cup so you didn't have to see your leg or mugman grinning at you both mischieviously.

~timeskip out of the hospital~

Thanks to cuphead carrying you all the way there you were able to save some blood and the doctors managed to fully fix your leg and put it in a cast..which you had to wear for a while but due to your healing abilities you should heal quicker then expected.
This didn't stop cuphead from not leaving your side and taking care of you though and boy since you hurt your leg..
The cup never let you out of his sight.

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