The Park

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Requested by VdbsbsB3


Walking through the inkwell isles on an adventure on your own was unusual you were usually with the cup brothers however today they had to help elder kettle with chores.
You decided to investigate the new park that was built with a sketch book,blanket and lunch as well as alerting the brothers that this was where you were so they could join you later.
The park was big!.
It had big open spaces where everyone was running around and throwing a ball,tables where family's and couples ate at tyre swings and a playground Mary go round that the smaller children spun on.
You saw a nice big tree with shade so you walked over and layed your blanket down sitting down to sketch after placing your food beside you.
You hoped the brothers would come soon you hated going on adventures without didn't feel right..
You started to sketch your boyfriend cuphead in your sketch book as you wanted to wait for the brothers before eating..when suddenly someone snatched it out your hand..
"Hey give that back!"
It was a hippo..
"What are you going to do eat me? Aren't you that hudin girl that dates this cup?" The hippo asked gesturing to the drawing in your book.
"Yes what's it to you? Can I have my book back?"
"Pff no! Do you know weak you'd have to be if your species is pretty much extinct! Your the last of your kind I'm not worried about how strong you are cause I know you can't hurt me loser!"
The hippo looked at the drawing.
"And what's worse is your dating this cup! It's gross! This drawing is pathetic!"
"I don't care what you think!"
"Oh really?"
The hippo ripped your drawing out of your sketch book that he threw into your chest and stomped the drawing into the dirt destroying it.
"You care what I think Now?"
He spat on you!!
It was so gross!!
"Mm" You whimpered
"I'll take that...enjoy living while you can extinctasaurus"
He took your food!!.
You whiped the slobber off and went to talk but your eyes were watery..
It would take you ages to get home and there was no point in leaving to get changed..
The cup excitedly walked over until he realised you weren't happy and slowed down with mugman doing the same.
"What happened? Where's all the food?" Mugman asked
"Baby are you alright?" Cuphead asked
"A..hippo..he uh..took the food.."
"Are you okay Y/N?" Mugman gasped
"Did he hurt ya?" Cuphead asked cupping you face in his hands while whiping the tears with his thumbs. Mugman smiled a little at this.
"He....spat on me..and destroyed the drawing I made for you.."
"He did what?!"
Mugman noticed the drawing and picked it up dusting it off and smiling in awe.
"Aww look brother"
Mugman handed his brother the drawing.
"You drew dis?"
You nodded.
"It's amazing baby..but where's dat hippo? Did he say anythin to ya?"
"He said he knew I couldn't hurt him..that I was a loser..and that I.."
"Baby? What else did he say?"
"He said what we have is drawings pathetic and called me a.."
"A what what did he say Y/N?" Mugman asked
"I've heards enough! You stay with mugsy baby i'll be right back!"
"Stay.. mugsy watch her"
"Sure thing brother..don't worry Y/N"
Cuphead marched off to find the hippo.
Mugman looked at you.
"Don't worry Y/N I think your drawing for cuphead is adorable! You and cuphead are adorable! Not disgusting at all! your the only thing he visibly worries about all the time! It's good to see the softer side of him! Don't listen to that stupid hippo he dosent know nothing!" Mugman supported
"Thanks mugman"
You replied.
You both shared a hug until you heard arguing.
You decided to pack up your stuff and go and investigate with mugman.
"Ya Had No Right Ta Bully My Girl And Steal Her Food You Joik!"
"Your girlfriend an extinctasaurus weakling! Extinct creatures have no right!"
"She Ain't Extinct And She Ain't An Extinctasaurus! She's My Baby! And If Ya Evah Talk To Or Spit On Her Again I'll-"
"Cuphead no!" Mugman pulled his brother back as he went to attack.
"You'll What Short Stack! Poke Me!" The hippo growled mugman gasped.
"Hey Don't Talk To My Brother Like That Small Eared Bozo!" Mugman growled
The hippo went to approach so you got imbetween.
"Everyone Stop..Enough..please.."
The hippo swatted your hand away and knocked you over.
"Don't Touch Me Extinctasaurus!"
The cup got out of his brothers grip and the too attacked the hippo it took a while for you to get them off of him.
This however proved to be a bad decision when he swatted mugman into a tree cracking his head..
Now that the cup was distracted the hippo swatted him to.
"Cuphead!" You looked at the too cups now injured and up at the hippo.
"Aw What Are You Going To Do Extinctasaurus Cry!? Did I Hurt Your Little Boyfriend!?"
"You know the reason why I haven't fought back yet doesn't necessarily mean I'm weak you big mouthed!,fat,small tailed tiny eared jerk!"
He went to approach you but you had other plans.
"You wanna play the growling game? Fine try this!"
With a second of transformation you roared at the hippo now being the same level.
Whipping out your claws and opening your jaws full of teeth before he could make a move you pinned him down.
"Okay okay I'm sorry!"
"!.." you snorted at the hippo and looked at the cup and mug only to get punched.
You stumed back and shook your head side to side.
Most people at the park had left of hid.
The hippo stormed over but you weren't having it and neither was cuphead.
"Hey Joik!" Right as the hippo was close enough to you cuphead grabbed a big log and wacked him over the head with it.
The hippo had pain stars 🌟 as he span around in a circle and fell to the ground you dashed over to the cup.
"I'm okay baby I'm fine are you okay?"
You changed back with an instant black eye.
"I'll be fine are you sure your okay?"
"It's just a tooth..we need to take mugsy home though he's hurtin and while we're there I can put somethin nice and cold ons ya eye"
"Let's do that then" You walked over and picked the mug up who was out cold and hand in hand you and cuphead took him home to elder kettle were he was patched up and soon good as new.

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