The Past

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Requested by lunarfansams

F/N = fathers name
M/N= mothers name


You were never the one to talk about your past mostly because some of it wasnt your happiest memory's.
You were at the your cottage minding your own business and cooking dinner for you and the cup as he wanted to stay over but noticed he had walked over and was now staring up at you.
He seemed to be thinking but at the same time had a big smile on his face.
You smiled back looking down at him.
"Whats up cuppy?"
You asked curiously
"Yah know sometimes I swear we've met before we met..yah look familiar sometimes.."
"How so?"
"I dunno..yah remind me of someone I met years ago when I was alot younger a little kid."
"Who do I remind you of?"
"A little girl me and mugsy met once at the haymaze..she was pretty sad..she just got abused by her dad so me and mugsy took care of her and let her hang out with us"
You froze and stopped to it couldn't have been.. you looked down at the cup.. you only realised now that..cuphead and mugman did look like the cup and mug..noway..


Your mother was always loving she would never hurt you,yell or shout..your father acted this way as well when your mother was around but the second she wasn't..he despised you..he wouldn't hesitate to hit,slap or yell at you loudly or roughly.
You'd always end up with bruises and would have to tell your mother you had fallen over otherwise your dad would hurt you more.
This was all because your father wanted a boy not a girl..
You didn't understand why he hated you so much or why he wouldn't just accept you were a girl..
No matter how much love you'd give him..hugs ..paintings.. you Even hunted a rat for the first time and gave it to him you loved him but..he just didn't love you..
It got to the point were you now feared him even when your mother was around..recently she wasn't and your father as per usual went to his abusive ways..little did either of you know..your mother suspicious of your fear stayed behind to hide and watch..
you whimpered as he yelled.
He boomed you fearfully approached and went to your father..only to be slapped..and have a picture shoved in your face..a drawing that you had drawn a picture of the three of you..only being 3 it wasn't that good but you had done your best.
Your mum!.
Your dad froze and turned to your mother.
"M/N?.." Your dad gasped
"What are you doing here?" He calmly asked
"I never left I just needed you to think I did I wanted to find out why our daughter was petrified of you..and I must say..I'm..hurt by what I've seen.."
"What..M/N i-"
"Y/N..honey why don't you go to the haymaze in town while me amd your dad chat?" Your mum walked over and gave you some money gently..she kissed the cheek your father had slapped.
"Mkay mama.."
Your mother gave you a hug before escorting you to the door and watching you go..once you were futher enough away the door still heard yelling as they begun to argue..
You whimpered alot your cheek stung and tears fell from your small E/C eyes when you arrived you gave the animal for a ticket and went didn't want to walk around you wanted a place to sit and hide to cry..
When you found one you curled up and sulked your tiny heart out..
"Cuphead I Don't like this I wanna go home"
"We were here last year mugsy Relax"
"Last year you got so scared you froze in fear!"
"Pff I ain't to worried about it i-wait what's that noise?"
"It sounds like crying.."
You froze but sniffled and looked up as a small cup and mug came around the corner....
"Hey there whatcha doin alone in tha haymaze?"
"Why are you crying are you hurt?"
They asked as they approached they seemed to be a year older then you..
You sniffled and looked away but replied..
"My Dada was mean to me..mama wanted me to come.."
The cup and mug looked at eachother then both moved to your sides supportively.
"Why dontcha hang out with me and mugsy?"
You looked up at them again and this time the cup noticed your cheek.
"What happened there? Yah cheeks red and sore"
The mug gave you a worried look and the cup furrowed his brows saddly..
Both the brothers helped you up to your feet and as the mug rubbed your back the cup whiped your tears.
"You can definitely hang with me and cuphead" the mug stated
"Uhuh we'll take care of yah cmon"
With that you hung out with the cup and mug until they had to go home..
So you went home too...only to find your parents fighting in Dino form..after a while your dad went down and your mum grabbed you gently putting an frozen pack of peas on your cheek she called some people..these people.. bugs..took your dad away and you didn't see him ever again..

~end of flashback~

"Baby? tah baby are you okay? Helloooo~"
He waved his hand infront of your face and you shook it off.
Of course it was him and mugman you remember now how did you not remember before?! Perhaps it was because the memory was traumatising?..but it was them it was cuphead and mugman that found you that day.
Your face welled up.
"It's and mugman found me curled up crying in the haymaze.."
"Ya mean-ya mean your the girl we found?"
You nodded.
"I told you my dad was mean to me and my mum wanted me to go to the haymaze"
The cup gasped.
"It is you! That's Why you've looked so familia! Your her!"
Neither of you even cared about the dinner took it off the heat before you went down to the cups level and embraced eachother in a hug.
"Me n mugsy nevah saw you again!"
You hugged the cup tighter..not only was cuphead your boyfriend but he turned out to be the cup from the haymaze that made you feel better after your fathers abuse.
"Wait..but this means ya dad.."
You pulled away from the hug and sat cross legged so the cup sat down to.
"Your dad was abusive.."
You nodded
"..he wanted a boy..he couldn't accept I was a filled him with rage that he took out on me.."
"And ya mum?"
"My mum was the sweetest..she never hurt me or even yelled at me..when she found out about dad she sent me to the haymaze so they could chat.."
"That's when me and mugsy found you..but..your cheek..what did he do to you?"
"He slapped me..across the face.."
"He didn't like a drawing I did"
"What a joik!"
You smiled at the cups accent with a blush and a nod.
"What happened aftah? Me n mugsy nevah saw you again aftah you left"
"When I got home they were both fighting in Dino form my mum managed to get the jump on him and knock him out..she called the police and put frozen peas on my was taken to prison and mum raised me from was just me and mum happily after that"
The cup smiled.
"Ya nevah told me aboutcha mum..where's she now?"
"..she got sick..really.. sick..she got a hudin illness that has no cure.. I took care of her untill know.."
"2 years ago.."
"You've been alone for 2 years?"
"And ya dad?"
"Still rotting in the big house for all I know"
"Why didn't ya tell me any of dis before?"
"To be fair we only just found out that we've met before and i don't..really like talking about it or remembering that part of my life.."
The cup moved closer and took your hands in his yellow gloves.
"It's okay baby..I undahstand.."
You both shared smiles.
"I think it's pretty neat that aftah all these years fates brought us togethah again..except this time obviously togethah togethah haha"
You nodded.
"I's perfect.."
You pulled the cup into a hug.
He gently hugged back.
"You okay baby?"
"Thank you..for that day.."
"Don't worry about it baby if I could go back in time I'd do the same thing again if it meant we'd be togethah"
He didn't hesitate to peck your cheek all over untill you both smelt the cooking.
"The dinnah!"
"I got it"
You put the cup down gently and stood up to fit the dinner once this was done you dished it up and you and the cup sat at the table together.
All you could do was smile at eachother after that..
You were both happy you recognised eachother.
You were both happy you found eachother after so long apart.

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