
159 9 1

Requested by LionessaVonBon


It was winter again in the inkwell isles the snow was light this morning and the cup was going to go out in winter clothes collecting fire wood as you topped up in warm clothes yourself.
You and the cup wanted to try having the winter together at your cottage this time as last time you spent it with all three of them at their cottage.
With an axe in hand the cup turned to you.
"Alright baby ill be back with some fire woods so we can get this place nice and toasty warm!"
"Just don't be to long be careful the blizzards coming in soon"
"Eh I ain't to worried about"
"Baby i'll be fine I promise!"
He walked over to you snuggled up on the rug near your fire place.
"I'll be straight there straight back!"
"No getting distracted blasting rockets"
"I promise I won't get distracted blastin rockets alright? I'll be back in a jif"
He pecked your cheek.
"You just stay nice and cosy"
The cup moved away and hoisted the axe onto his back heading towards the door he looked back at you snuggled up in blankets.
"Fire wood comin right up!"
With that he watched the door..he didn't forget his compass did he? looked at the table..yes he did!. You scrambled to your feet and grabbed the compass bolting out the door after him.
"Cuppy wait!"
The cup turned around.
"Baby go back inside it's to cold for you out 'ere!"
"You forgot your compass!"
"Oh heh heh woopsies thanks.."
He gently took it from you.
"Now go inside and get warm I wont be long remembah?"
You nodded and the cup watched you go back inside before continuing on his mission for firewood.
You grabbed the blankets and instead of snuggling back up near the fireplace you snuggled up on the window seel to watch him go and hopefully soon return.
The cup did tricks and stunts with the axe 🪓 swaying it around and spinning watched worriedly but nothing happened.
He soon dissappeared out of sight into the woods but you still watched.
You watched the snow fall.
You watched the trees covered in snow lay somewhat still.
You watched the ground dissapear under the snow.
The birds retreated to nests.
But after 2 hours no cuphead..
You knew you shouldn't have let him go alone! He probably did launch rockets or break the compass!.
The snow got heavier and rougher and this is when you realised the blizzard had set in.
The cup was still out there!.
You got up again and threw the blankets off you.
You put gloves,a scarf and extra layers on as well as your sweater for you Dino form you got for Christmas as an extra measure..the cold wasn't the place for a hudin to be..but you didn't care..
You'd risk dying to go after him.
That was your cupmate out there..
You opened the door and the blizzards wind took it straight back out of your hand.
You left and shut the door with all your strength.
How were you going to find the cup in this?..
You held your arms close to your body as you pushed throught the heavy wind and snow already feeling the cold take over you due to the other half of you.

You had to find him fast..but you weren't going to find him like this.
"Cuppy!? Where Are You!?"
You walked for ages..frost started to build up on your clothes and you nearly couldn't feel your feet..
"Cup-Cuppy!? Come On Where Are You!?"
Your eyes started to well up as you fought the blizzard.
Trudging in the thick snow beneath your feet..
You saw a figure..
There he was!!.
He was curled up in the snow!.
You shivered.
He looked at you as pale as a ghost right up next a fire he must've had gone out due to the blizzard.. you saw extra wood near him..that was useless to the cup..
He shivered cold air left the cups mouth he was shivering non stop rubbing his arms for warmth..barely alive..he was in much worse of a shape then you.. you walked over and took the sweater you had and put it on the cup the Dino sweater was like a nighty to him like a large woolly blanket.
"B-b-baby-no! Y-you!-"
You scooped the cup up he was ICY! To touch you were a little warmer then he was so he snuggled up to you.
"W-what h-happened?"
"I-i-was-c-cuttin the wood-b-but-I dropped the c-c-c-compass in the-s-s-snow! I-i-t-tried to find it-b-but I l-lost it!"
The cup shivered in your grip.
"I-i need to get you o-out of here"
There was only one way you and the cup could make it to one of the cottages quick enough without anymore him anyway..
"B-b-b-b-baby n-n-no y-you-c-c-caint!"
"I-i have t-t-to! We'll d-die out here if I-d-dont!"
You replied you were getting colder to..the cup went to say something but nothing came out he knew you were right but he didn't want you to risk dying for him..he was shivering to had no choice.. the kettles cottage was closer and knowing those 2 they had heeps of fire wood.
You tried to put the cup down but he clung onto you.
"N-n-no i-I'm n-n-not lettin -y-you d-d-do this!"
He shook his head but he didn't have much strength due to his near dead state you managed to pull him away..he snuggled into the sweater as you placed him back down on the snow..
"B-b-baby n-no!"
To changed..the cold blizzard automatically hit you like a hundred razor blades and frost started to cover your frills and scooped the cup was the only bolted..the cup in your claws closed his eyes to shelter them from the winds and snow.
You bolted straight to the kettles cottage your legs were giving smelt looked down at the cup in your got to the door and with all your strength left in your tail you wacked it..
"Who could that be?" You heard elder kettle ask
"I'll get it!"
Mugman declared the door swung open and the mug gasped.
You stepped inside the cottage and both the kettle and mug shut the door behind you both..
You collapsed sideways so you didn't crush the cup..your body instinctively changed back to human as a last resort..feeling the warm clothes around you now didn't you..were in a bad shape..
"Mugman get all the blankets in the house!" Elder kettle ordered
the mug didn't hesitate to bolt around the house and start covering you and the cup with blankets..

~Lil timeskip~

The cup was all better and alive thanks to you..but he snuggled with you under blankets near the fire..
"Thank you baby"
He rubbed his head against you.
You smiled.
You shivered
"Eh no that ain't happening again.."
You snuggled against the cup pulling him onto your lap for extra warmth.
You rested your head on his as you stared at the flames..
He looked up at you with a smile then looked back at the both watched them dance.. feeling greatful to still be alive and warm..

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