My Baby

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*warning mentions of blood and sexual acts*


You and the brothers were out and about looking in shops for new clothes and toys after elder kettle payed the brothers for their chores around the cottage.
At one point however searching in a shop you and the brothers got seperated, it being a while since you and the cup had being seperated you felt nervous and wanted to fins him as quick as you could.
However a guy taller then you with brown curly hair and brown eyes stopped you with a smile.
"Hey cutie you seem lost are you alright?" He asked
"Uh yeah-yeah I'm fine..are you alright?"
"I'm okay you just looked really scared so I thought I'd see if you were okay"
He replied "my names Dylan.. I haven't seen you around before..are you new?" He continued.
" I just don't live in the city.."
"Oh really? So you live in the woods that's cool"
"I-I guess?.."
"You have really cute eyes by the way"
How do you reply?
"Uhh thank you..but I have a boyfriend"
"Lucky guy..where is he?"
"I..don't know..we got seperated"
"Oh so you are lost? A cutie like you?"
You backed off a little.
"Yes? Why do you care? Are you going to kidnap me?"
His eyes widened.
"No! No no no no no hahahaha no im not going to kidnap you I'm not a psycho"
"Look why don't I help you find your boyfriend?"
So the guy helped you look noticed him glance...down there....


I lost her! I lost my baby!.
"Cmon mugsy!"
"Cuphead calm down I'm sure she's fine!"
"It's been ages since we've been seperated she ain't alright she's probably nervous and sweating and-"
I froze.
I found her but another guy was with her!.
"Oh down.."
"Whatdya mean calm down?! I am calm!"
"No your not..your fists are clenched and your teeth are grinding..your jealous and angry.."
"I ain't jealous mugsy! I just don't like how anotha guys near my baby!"
"That's being jealous brother" eyebrows pointed down..
He was starring at her butt!.
That butts mine!.
"Cuphead..what are You thinking?"
Mugman worriedly asked.
"I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind!"
"Cuphead no!-"
Mugsy tried to hold me back but when he pulled her in by the waist and wouldn't let her go he let me go and we both stormed over.


He was starring down there..he was starring at your butt..
"Do you mind?..I told you I have a boyfriend"
"So? I don't mind at have a really nice ass..I wonder what it's like pounding it into a bed~"
"You are a psycho!-"
He pulled you in by the waist.
You tried to push him off but he wouldn't let go.
"Get off of me-"
You and the guy looked over.
Cuphead and mugman!.
"Let my baby go ya creep!"
The cup sternly declared
"Yeah she said get off!" Mugman also defended.
But the guy didn't let you go.
"Who are you?"
"Her boyfriend get off of er now!"
The guy hugged you from behind..
You whinced
"Nah Im Good..she's way to cute for you!."
"Mugsy go get security"
"Okay brother!"
The mug ran off to find security
"I'm Done Askin Nicely Let Go Of My Baby Now Or I'm Gonna Punch Ya Teeth Out Like Ya Got Cavitys!"
Cuphead growled
..he growled..
"Big words for a small cup..I bet you haven't even tasted her ass before it's perfect~"
The cups pupils went small.
His fists tightened.
"I've Had Enough!"
"What are you going to-" The cup leapt ontop of the guy tackling him off of you and onto the ground before the guy could blink cuphead started punching the crap out of his face.
"Cuppy no!"
Although you didn't like how the guy treated you, you didn't want him to get put in hospital and knowing cuphead..that would be the guys next destination..
You tried to pull the cup off of him as blood started to pour out the guys mouth a nose.
"Cuppy no! No stop it! Stop it let him go!"
It was no use he was to strong for you..he had so much adrenaline he was anchored to the guy.
"Security Stop!"
Too security guards and mugman had come back they pulled the cup off of the guy and into your arms where mugman helped you to hold him back.
The security took the guy away but the police were called and so was elder kettle..
Cuphead was going to be in big trouble..but for now you needed to calm him down..he was still trying to go after the guy who was taken away but  may as well be a broken pumpkin..his eye was bruised, his mouth and nose were bleeding and he was groaning in pain as they dragged him off..
"Brother stop it! Stop calm down he's gone!"
"Cuppy enough you've done enough damage please he learnt his lesson-"
It was no use.
"Mugman can you hold him for a few seconds?"
"Probably why?"
"Trust me"
The mug nodded and held his brother tighter as you let go and got infront of the cup who looked away from you.
"Cuppy look at me"
"I'm Gonna Break His Jaw And His Nose So He Can Watch His Mouth Around Otha Guys Girls!!"
He shouted
..he's never shouted before..even mugman looked scared of his older brother..
Elder kettle shouted as he stormed over.
"Just..I know your angry elder kettle but please just-"
"Just Nothing! Cuphead!!"
"Don't You Just Nothin My Baby Ya!!-"
You covered the cups mouth.
Elder kettle looked shocked that cuphead shouted to..
"It's okay..cuphead..look at me.."
The cup with eye brows pointed down looked at you but removed your hands from his mouth.
"I'm alright..the guy is gone..he can't hurt me any did saved me..just like cup Rodgers.. it's all okay....your okay.. just take deep breaths"
"I caint take deep breaths he!-"
"Baby I caint-"
"But baby-"
"You can do it cuppy come it like cup Rodgers landing on a new"
The cup sighed but breathed in.
"And out.."
He exhaled.
Mugman let him go and stood beside elder kettle who was still In shock from being shouted at..
He inhaled with you.
"And out.."
He exhaled.
"There you go 2"
He inhaled.
"And out.."
He exhaled.
He inhaled deeply.
"And out.."
He exhaled deeply but his pupils went big and his eyes welled up.
"I'm so sorry babyy~ I'm sorry mugsy I'm sorry elda kettle I'm sorry for shoutin and growlin and punchin~"
The cup hugged you tight.
"I was so worried when ya dissappeared! I thought ya got kidnapped! Then I saw ya with that otha guy and got jealous oh baby I'm sorry~I shouldn't have taken my eyes off of you~"
"Cuppy cuppy hey hey it's alright~"
You cooed.
"If it wasn't for you goodness know what that guy would have done to me you saved me"
"Yeah! You did a good job cuphead!"
Mugman agreed
Elder kettle sighed
"Although I don't like the way you beat the guy up it was a good thing you protected Y/N my boy" Elder kettle stated.
The police.
"We're taking you in for questioning both of you!" The officer gestured to you and the cup.

The rest of the afternoon was spent at the police station getting interrogated and questioned by the police but after hearing both sides of the story.
the police let you and the cup off with a warning and the guy was charged with sexual assault with the intent of kidnapping..
he was going to the big house for sure! And you and cuphead were going home.

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