The Pitchfork

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Requested by Sandrastar1


   You were out in the city with just cuphead today as mugman wanted to help elder kettle with some chores and figured that you and the cup should have some alone time together.

Even though you and the cup managed to have alot of alone time together anyway....what did it matter?
The cup was happy you were happy so no more needed to be said.
"Hey baby do ya wanna go and get a hotdog?"
"Sure I'd love to cuppy"
He took your hand gently and lead you to the hotdog stand but for some reason he froze and stopped walking his black pupils shrunk to near specks and he started thinking of something.
He let go of your hand and shook his head backing off.
"Cuphead whats wrong?"
You looked in the direction he was looking there was a small riot outside a shop as the customers weren't happy with the price of products being raised.
One was holding a Pitchfork similar to the devils.
You realised now what was wrong.
"Oh cuppy it's okay it wont-cuphead?"
He was gone!.
You started to search for him and eventually found him he had backed up against the wall of an alley way breathing heavily and hyperventilating.
You ran over and collapsed at his side.
"Cuphead hey hey it's okay it's alright it's not going to hurt you"
His eyes looked at you but he didn't say anything you frowned in concern.
You wrapped your arms around the cup and pulled him close into your embrace digging your fingers into his back gently holding him.
He did his best to wrap his shaking arms around you..his breathing didn't slow down though.
"It's alright cuppy it can't hurt you it's a normal Pitchfork.. it's not going to hurt you or me take deep breaths with me ready? Your alright.."
He nodded a little.
"You can do this your"
You felt him take a breath in the best he could.
"And out...."
He exhaled.
"There we go..
..and..out..good job your doing it just listen my voice your doing"
His breathing started to calm down now so you continued.
"That's it cuppy there we go"
"the devil-the Pitchfork-"
"It's isn't the devils Pitchfork it's a normal Pitchfork it doesn't have any powers cuppy your safe.."
"B-but it took mugsy with tha devil i-it reminds me of when mugsy was taken~a-and with tha devil-it-it reminds me of how I felt! H-how I nearly didn't get him baaaack~ahhahaa~"
You felt moisture on your shoulder and realised the cup was crying.
"Aww cuppy it's alright"
"It ain't alright~ I caint get dat stupid thing outta my head~ I don't want it to hurt youuuu or mugsyyyy~"
He whimpered
"It's not going to hurt us it's with the devil and the devil isn't here we're safe..I'm safe..and your safe
..mugman is safe at home with elder kettle"
You felt his fingers dig into your back.
"Baby~" He sulked
"I don't wanna see anotha Pitchfork again~"
" don't have to.....
I'll help you avoid them"
He sniffled as he pulled away a bit to look you in the eyes.
"Yes of course I hate seeing you like this so of course I'll help you avoid them"
He flung his arms around you and nuzzled his head into yours.
"Your da best baby~"
He sniffled.
"I-heh I try"
He pulled away again with big black pupils and furrowed eyebrows.
"Baby? it okay if we go home? Back to mine? To check on mugsy?"
"Of course it is I wouldn't say no to that face"
The cup smiled gently.
"Thank you....I'll keep dat in mind"
He took your hand and you both walked hand in hand away from the crowded area and back towards the teacup cottage

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