A Loss Of Love?

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Requested by Sandrastar1


The two brothers were having one of there usual arguments over the stupidest of things.
"No You!"
"No You!"
"No You!"
But this time mugmans pushing lead to something extreme one strong push sent cuphead into the shelves.
"Huuu cuphead I'm so sorry are you okay?!" Mugman asked "guys this is exactly why elder kettle and I have told you to stop fighting! Are you okay cuphead?" You asked
"Uuughh...who are you?...and who is that?!"
He looked at mugman then at you.
"Nice try cuphead! Drop the act I know your just trying to make me feel guilty!" Mugman declared.
"Act? Make ya feel guilty? I dont even know ya!"
"Don't worry Y/N this is probably one of his stunts to make me feel bad!" Mugman stated.
"Wait..you really don't know who we are?" You asked curiosly
Cuphead squinted his eyes with hands on hips taking a good look at you both.
"Nope sorry ya ain't ringin a bell"
"Wait..are you saying you don't know my name?" Mugman asked
"Is it blue? It looks like ya name could be blue and you...uhhh..cutie?"
"My name isn't blue! It's mugman! I'm your brother!" Mugman stated
"And my name isn't cutie it's
Y/N" you replied
"Alright alright how am I supposed to know jeez!"
You and mugman looked at eachother.
"Elder Kettle!!" You both bolted to find him and soon did outside watering his plants.
"Elder kettle!"
"Elder kettle!"
"Elder kettle!"
"Elder kettle!"
"Whats the matter you two?" He asked
"It's cuphead!" You stated
"We were arguing and I pushed him and now he dosent remember who we are!' Mugman stated
"Now mugman don't you know cuphead it's probably one of his stupid stunts to make you feel terrible?" Elder kettle stated
"No No because if it was he wouldn't bring Y/N into it!" Mugman stated
"He's right Elder kettle! I think he lost his memory when he hit his head!" You stated speak of the cup.
"Hey elda kettle will ya tell these two weirdos to scram? The Blue one says he's my brudda!"
"But he is your brother cuphead" Elder kettle stated
Mugmans eyes welled up.
"He really dosent remember" the mug whimpered you rubbed his back.
"It's going to be okay" you replied
"Huh? Your in on this prank two? With strangers?"
"Oh dear...did he hit his head hard you two?" Elder kettle asked mugman was to busy crying so you nodded your head comforting the mug.
"Cuphead my boy why don't you come with me I have somewhere I'm sure you'll love.......I'm going to take him to the hospital take mugman inside" Elder kettle whispered to you.
You nodded and lead the mug to the cottage.
"Hey you two can't go in there! Elda kettle wha! Hey!"
Elder kettle dragged cuphead to the car and drove him off to the hospital.
You stayed inside with mugman letting him bawl his eyes out in your shirt.
"After everything we've been through he really dosent remember~" He whimpered
"Don't worry mugman I'm sure if anyone knows how to fix cuphead it's the doctors at the hospital" You replied.
After a long wait you both soon heard the sound of elder kettles car...mugman launched and bolted out the door so you followed behind.
"Hiya mugsy woah...is everythin okay?"
"You lost your memory you didn't know who me or Y/N was!" Mugman whimpered
"It's okay buddy elda kettle told me all about it after I got betta don't worry I remember every little thing"
The brothers exchanged a tight hug and cuphead patted mugmans back.
"It's all okay mugsy"
The brothers separated and cuphead looked at you.
"Y/N~ bayybee~ don't I get a huuug~?"
He extended his arms out for one.
You rolled your eyes but walked over and gave him a tight one.
"Don't you ever do that again!"
"It ain't like I got control of when I lose my memory or not"
"No but you can control your fighting!" You stated separating the hug but he pulled you back in.
"Did I say I wanted to break the hug yet?"
You blushed lightly.
"Awwww~" Elder kettle and mugman cooed.

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