Sore Throat

177 4 0

Requested by Sandrastar1


You heard a knock on the door to your home as you and the brothers had planned to go to the movies and see hideious zombies 2 and you were expecting them to pick you up.

However when you got to the door you were suprised to see a pale cuphead with mugman.
"Hey Y/N" mugman greeted cuphead waved and tried to speak but only a raspy noise came out.
"Hey what's going on? Cuphead are you okay?" You asked in a concerned tone.
"Well you see Y/N cuphead has a sore throat he can't talk..we unfortunately have to cancel the movies..we thought wed come and tell you..well I would tell you" mugman explained
"But we've got a problem you see elder kettle needs me to help him do some chores in the city but we can't leave cuphead unsupervised at home so we were wondering if you could look after him while we go?" The mug continued.
"Of course I can!" You replied
"Great we'll come back and get him in 2 hours!" Mugman declared and walked off the fatigued pale cup look at you with a gentle frown.
"Aww you poor thing..come inside cuppy I can make you a nice honey drink to help with your throat" You declared in concern this made the cup smile he went to thank you but again nothing came out which lead him to frown.
You frowned to out of worry.
"You really lost your voice huh?"
He nodded.
You went to say something else but the cup hugged you.
You looked down at him and hugged gently back.
"Let's get you inside"
He pulled away and you gently took his hand leading him to the couch.
"You stay here I'll be right back with a nice honey drink for you okay?"
You went to walk for the kitchen but the cup got up and grabbed your hand gently pulling you back with a sad noise.
"Oh no no it's okay I'll come right back"
He shook his head and tugged on your arm again for the couch.
"Cuphead I'll be right back I promise then I won't leave your side"
He shook his head.
"Do you want to come with me then?"
He nodded.
"Okay..okay.." you wanted him to stay on the couch and rest but he was being stubborn and you didn't want to fight him while he's unwell..or at the best of times in was your least favourite thing to do.
You led the cup to the kitchen and he watched you as you made a warm honey beverage.
When you were done the cup held his yellow gloved hands out for it.
"Ohhoho no your drinking this at the couch mister"
He went to complain or argue but that raspy noise came out followed by a in pain groan from the cup.
"Okay that's it come on you"
You took his hand and instead of leading him to the couch you lead him to your room.
"In you get"
He shook his head.
"Cuphead you need to rest"
He shook his head.
"Do you want me to lift you up?"
He shook his head again.
"Then get in the bed"
He shook his head quicker.
"I'll get in with you if you do"
His face lit up and nodded.
"Go on then"
He nodded and climbed into your bed and got under your covers.
"Here you go don't spill it"
He gently took the drink from your hands and took a sip.
His pupils shrunk and he sculled it back then ushered it to you and tapped on it.
"You want another?"
He nodded alot and point to his mouth.
"It tastes good?"
He shook his head.
"It dosent taste good?"
He shook his head.
"Hang on I have an idea.."
You walked over to your shelf and pulled out a notebook and grabbed a pencil.
"Here write on this"
He took the notebook and pencil gently and started writing He then turned it to face you.
It helps.
"Ohh okay well you wait here"
You took the glass from his hand.
"And I'll go make another" You replied He started writing again.
Don't leave me~
"I'll be right back I promise stay here don't go any where"
He wrote more.
You said you'd get in with me
"I will but I can't make you another if I'm in bed with you can I?"
He frowned and shook his head.
"I won't be long"
He took your hand with a sad noise.
"I'll be fine"
You slipped out of his grip gently but as you left the room in the corner of your eyes you saw him reach out for you.
You felt a pang in your heart..
The poor thing..
You quickly but properly made another honey drink but felt a tug on your shirt so you looked down.
"Cuppy what are you doing out of bed? I told you to stay and rest"
He shook his head and hugged you.
"The drinks ready " He snuggled up to you more.
"The sooner you let me go the sooner we can snuggle in bed?" You suggested the cup pulled away but with groggy eyes looked at you.
"Aww~ cuphead~" you whined sympathetically he wrote down more.
I missed you
"I was only gone for a few seconds"
Seconds feels like forever
he had bags under his eyes now as he showed you the page he really wasn't well.
He reached for the drink and you gave it to him but ushered him back to your room were he climbed in the bed and drunk it back.
When he was done he put it on the bedside table and you joined him under the covers where he snuggled up to you and rested his head on your chest before he picked up the notebook and pencil again.
Thank you for taking care of me baby I appreciate it..and I appreciate you
You blushed and looked at the cup who smiled.
"Your welcome can keep the notebook until you get better okay?"
Are you sure?
You nodded
"I'm sure"
He smiled gently and leant up.
"What are you-"
He pecked your cheek then relaxed again and snuggled into your chest soon his eyes fluttered closed and he fell asleep.
You blushed with a smile and put an arm around him.
"Rest well cuphead"

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