No Talking Back 🍋

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Requested by BdvsvsvsHshjsjs


"You can't just follow me around and protect me all the time! I get that you worry about me cuppy but come on I need some time alone every now and again!" You sternly stated.
"No! Cause last time I took my eyes off ya ya broke ya leg! And you were bullied and spat on by some joik!"
Cuphead sternly replied
"Then at least let me have some alone time when I'm at home whenever I'm at home alone for even a day you come around!"
You sternly stated
"Uhhhh Y/N? cuphead?" You both looked at elder kettle
"Me and mugman are going to go to the shops for some garden supplies"
"Okay have fun"
"Fine cya!"
"Oh and one more thing.."
You both looked at him eagerly for the answer.
"Stop Arguing!"
With that he took mugman hand.
"Wait elder kettle shouldn't we-"
You and cuphead looked at eachother.
"I come around cause I miss ya! I'm sorry missen ya girl is a bad thing! I'm sorry I worry and I'm sorry I protect ya! If dis is how ya feel fine! Have some stinkin alone time!"
Cuphead sternly declared with that he stormed up the stairs and a door shut.
Thats not how you wanted it to go..
After a while the cup didn't come back couldn't leave if like this..being alone now made you realise having alone time wasn't all what it was cracked up to be.
You walked up the stairs and to the cups room where you knocked on the door.
There was a shuffle.
"Can I come in?"
You creaked the door open and saw the cup sitting on his bed arms folded still unhappy.
You felt horrible.
"Aw cuppy I'm so sorry..I never should have argued with you" You softly stated
"No ya shouldn't have!''
He sternly replied
"I shouldn't have been upset with you looking after and protecting me..coming around to see me..I shouldn't be complaining..any girl would give up a anything to have a guy like you..truth is being alone was not all it was cracked up to be either..I am so sorry! Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"
"Well for starters no talkin back anymore!"
You nodded.
The cup pounced on you and kissed you roughly.
The cup bit your lip gaining access to your mouth with passion moving his tongue around his hands had your cheeks so you were trapped in the rough kiss.
The kiss was like a posion to you a poison you needed.
The cups nose rubbed against yours and he moved his mouth around with yours.
The cup parted the kiss and you both locked eyes your E/C eyes with his black pupils panting the slightest.
He took his shirt off and reached for yours you knew what he wanted you wanted it to.
You both kissed again and during the kiss the cup removed your bra and threw it on the floor with both your shirts.
The cup shuffled ontop of you pinning you submissively hummed but he moved away.
He grabbed your pants and ripped them off pulling you down the bed a bit as he did so.
"I hate clothes sometimes"
He grumbled
He took your underwear off to but then just stared and seemed to think.
"Cuppy..what are you d-doing?"
He smirked.
He took off his gloves and threw them on the floor but didn't take off his lower clothes yet.
He moved his hands..towards your chest..
Your body tensed at first but relaxed and you groaned as he moved one in a massage.
After a while the cup let it go letting you relax a little before he took his red shorts off and white boxers with red poka dots.
The cup grabbed some protection and put it on.
"Ya ready baby~?"
You nodded.
The cup slipped his body imbetween your legs, held your hips and pushed himself into your entrance.
"Oh bannana oil~ your really wet!~"
You hum moaned as the cup hovered over you and let go over your hips putting his hands at the sides of your chest as he licked your neck waiting
..teasing you a bit.
"I know~ I know~"
He nibbled it.
He wanted you to beg.
"P-please do it i-i cant-please!~"
"I dunno~"
"Aw cuppy come on p-please i-im begging you just- ahhhh~"
He gave you a thrust he stopped nibbling your neck so he could see your face as he moved you into the bunk bed that was yet to be creaking.
"Is dat what ya want baby?~ ha~?"
You nodded alot.
He kept one hand at your side and the other at your thigh holding your leg up a bit.
"Now what do we do?~"
You spread your legs apart.
"Good job baby ready?~steady~"
He teased but then started moving.
"Naww that feels good ha?"
"Mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmmm~"
He continued to thrust on the left which he knew wasn't your sweet area.
He was going slow.
"Oh g-god please-im begging you i-im sorry for arguing with you-p-please just-"
Cuphead smirked and sped up.
He won.
You dug your fingers into the cups covers a bit but that didn't help so you looked at the top bunk.
However the cup was still watching you with a big smirk on his face so you looked at him.
He slowed down and moved to the right.
"Woah big moan!"
He sped up again there on that spot and your legs shook a little.
The cup let your thigh down and put his other hand to the side of your chest thrusting you into his mattress.
"Ah ah ah ah ohhhh cuppyy~"
"Uhuh that's right say my name!~"
"H-holy sm-mokes! C-cuppy!~"
The bunk bed moved back and forth a little now with slight creaking.
"Ya promise no more talkin back?"
"I-i promise cuppy~"
You gave him pleading eyes with made his black pupils go larger.
"That's all I needs ta hear!"
The cup sped up as quick as could your waists getting sloppy and body's connecting now as well as the bunk bed creaking and moving aggressively back and forth was an obvious indication to anyone who entered the house that someone was busy!.
He pushed in as deep as he could and moved as far right as he could and that's were something started building up.
"Cuppy-cuppy-right there!~there!~awh awh awh awh Awh!~ Cuppy!~"
"Hang on baby hold it nearly dhere nearly dhere!"
"I-i can't I-cuppy i-i can't please let me-ah ah awh awh!~"
Your E/C eyes widened and you arched your back and threw your head back into the cups pillow.
The cup dug his fingers into the sides of your chest a little to hold on as he moved roughly against you he grunted and groaned.
"Cuppy yeah-yeah-cuppyyyy!~please!!~"
"Ba-by Oh neat neat! Keep beggin so! C-close!~"
He loved it when you were like this moaning his name doing as you were told...
"Cuppy-cuppy!~I-i-im gonna-ah ah ah Ah! Cup!~"
"Me too baby!~"
"Oh Baby!!~"
So much pleasure flushed through you at once but you relaxed on the bed and the cup relaxed ontop of you both both  a heaving mess..
The cup got cleaned up after catching a little bit of breath then helped you get cleaned up and changed but after fixing the bed you both went straight back to that position.
He snuggled ontop of you, both panting,heaving..
"I thinks we both needed that one ha baby?~"
"Cuphead! Y/N! we're home!'
The cup groaned and put the blanket ontop of you both.
"So sweat inducin~But so~much fun~and it feels-to good~"
Mugman walked in.
"Hey you too elder kettle seems like you too have worked things out..that's good!"
"Th-the argument was a little-s-stupid"
"Heh you could say that a-again"
"What is wrong with you too? Your all panty and sweaty!"
You went into panic mode but cuphead calmly replied to his brother
"It's nuttin mugsy we just...."
He looked at you with a grin.
"kissed to roughly.."
You blushed deeply with a nod.
"Y-yep-j-just kisses.."
"Elch gross! Elder kettle wants to talk to you so sort it out!" Mugman replied before he left.
Cuphead looked at you.
"Elda kettle calls.. ya w-wanna stay?"
You nodded.
"You wait h-here then I'll be back to snuggle in a-a giff"
He pecked your cheek and climbed out of the snuggle where as you snuggled up in the cups covers.

Waiting for his return

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