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⚠️*warning bloody chapter with death of animals*⚠️

You were getting ready for a hunt it was early in the morning which was the usual Time you decided to go hunting as the creatures were more active at dusk and dawn.
You were all ready to change form and go standing outside your cottage that now hand locked doors..but were suprised when you heard.
You jumped a little at hearing the cups voice this early in the morning but looked over at him.
"Cuppy what are you doing here? Do you know what time it is?"
"Yep but I couldn't sleep and I knew you were gonna be huntin so I wanted to join yah"
You made a not a good idea face.
"Tchh that's uh-"
He was giving you a look back with an eyebrow raise.
"Is that a problem?"
"..your going to join me on hunts now?.."
"Uhuh for company"
"..I just ..don't think you'll like..what I do.."
"Ya gotta hunt things dontcha?"
"Do you know what hunt means?"
He folded his arms.
"Of course I know what it means! I ain't completely a ding dong!"
"Then what does it mean?"
"It means ....uhh..ya kill stuff to eat?"
He did know what it meant.
"Not just that..I have to..take out the bits I can't eat and dispose of them...."
"Stuff like..the bones..organs...."
The cups pupils shrunk.
You felt had to tell your boyfriend you literally kill and cut animals up..
"Look..why don't you just..stay here.."
The cup shook his head side to side and pointed a finger.
"Nuhuh ya ain't gettin rid of me that easy"
You sighed.
"Okay..alright..remember you were the one that wanted this..don't come crying to me when you have nightmares"
"Pff nightmares? Okay."
You rolled your eyes at the cups stubbornness but changed form and walked into the woods.
He followed.
"So..what we huntin?"
You gave him a look.
You wrote in the
"Don't sh me"
You gave him the look again but sniffed the sky.
"You smell somethin?"
You sighed..he was going to scare everything away..
You wrote in the dirt again.
Yes but you need to be quiet you'll scare the prey away
He whispered
You lowered yourself down a bit to smell the dirt and ground..picking up a scent you followed it..and the cup followed was a rabbit..that was a good moved around to above the rabbits den..
The cup watched you from a tree..
You really didn't Like the fact he was here watching you do this..
The rabbit showed itself and started sniffing..wait for crept it's head out a little and perked it's ears hopped out the hole..
you clamped your jaws around it you felt it's soft body tumble at the strength of your bite and it's blood filled your mouth.
You hopped off from above its den and started to walk home to drop the body off but you noticed the cup wasn't with went back to the rabbits den..he was standing there..pupils small.. back hunched over and mouth agape..
You put the rabbit gently down and walked over nudging him gently with your snout..he gasped and backed away..he was scared of you....

you backed away hanging your head, you simply turned around scooped up the rabbit and went home..placing the rabbit down you stared at it..the cup had never been scared of you before even when you first changed form infront of the brothers mugman was..but cuphead wasn' he was..he was terrified.. looking at the rabbit you understood why..
A white rabbit 🐇..
Covered in blood..
Bones crushed..
An innocent creature..
No sparkle in its eyes as the wind tossled its white fur.
Perhaps the cup had every reason to be scared of you..
You were a monster..
You moved your claws to your snout and pulled them away to see the blood..
You knew the cup wasn't coming back..he was probably going to go kept hunting..once you were done you did what you had to do..
Disposed of the parts you couldn't eat changed back to human and cooked the bits you could..
Your clothes were covered in blood so once you were done cooking and had all the cooked meat away in your fridge. you went for a shower and got dressed into fresh ones..the dirty ones went to be washed..
You sat at your table and just snuggled your head in your arms..

After a few hours went by you didn't know what to do..


You could smell who it was and you didnt want to answer the door..
"Baby? You home?"
Your E/C eyes welled up remembering the fear in his eyes..
You moved towards the door but didn't open it..
"You should-you should go.."
"No..I want to talk to you.."
"....I.. think..we should.."
"We should what....Baby?"
You layed against the door and slid down it until you were on your floor.
"I-i think we sh-should s-see other people..I think we should.. should break up.."
Your voice cracked.
"What!? No! Baby open the door!"
" were scared of Me..I saw it..the fear in your eyes....I'm scared of me to..what if i-i hurt you? Or-or mugman? I-id hate myself for it!"
You sniffled.
"Baby you could never hurt me or mugsy you know this! You gotta do what you gotta do to survive!"
"B-but when I looked at the rabbit...i-i killed an innocent creaturee~ I killed an adorable little rabbit!..I'm a monsterrrr~"
"no no no no baby your not a monster!"
"J-just go-you'd be better off without meeee~"
"I'm not goin nowhere baby open the door"
He tried the door handle but when that didn't work he tried the window..
"Baby hey look at me.. "
You looked away..
"Baby I would not! Be better off without you!"
You nodded your head.
"Y-yes you would~"
"No I wouldn't! I would be the exact opposite! I'd be miserable! And you would be to! Your the perfect girl for me would nevah hurt me or mugsy..evah..yes I was scared of ya..but after I realised why you do all of it I wasn't anymore..othah creatures kill stuff you know..ya just survivin baby that's all..your not a monster monsters kill stuff for the fun of it..are ya killing for the fun of it? No..your killin for food to survive.. we ain't breakin up! It would take alot more then you killing stuff to take me away from you!"
You bawled your eyes out you were like a fire hydrant..
"Nawhawhaw baby~..can you open dah door?"
You nodded and leant on your knees to open the door..the cup walked in the went back to sitting down..he walked over..he cupped your face with his gloved hands and rubbed your tears away..
"How can this adorable baby evah be a monstah huh?"
You whimpered which caused him to rub his little red nose on your nose before pecking your lips.
"It's okay baby..your alright.."
He brought you in to a cuddle resting his head on your shoulder.
"Your alright my baby.."
It took you a few seconds but you slowly hugged back.
"I'm so sorry..I didn't mean to-to scare you"
"You have nothin to be sorry for baby nothin at's all okay.."
He pecked your cheek,nose and eyes making you smile a little from the affection..
"Even if you were the scariest,biggest most murderous creature in all of the inkwell isles..I could nevah evah leave you"
He put his head on yours connecting each fibre of your body to his..
"I love you to much to evah leave my baby"
Your tears soaked his shirt but he didn't care..he just rubbed your back and kissed your face all over..
You had really found a one in a million

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