The Hiccups

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Requested by Sandrastar1
F/J = favourite juice


Cuphead was over at yours playing with his yoyo in the living room while you were having some of your favourite juice in a glass on the floor near your kitchen draws a sweet glass of F/J.
You had been drinking alot of it though and had nearly finished the 2 litre bottle of it when suddenly.
"Baby was dat you?"
"N-*hic* no!"
You heard some shuffling and soon the cup entered the kitchen.
"Why are ya hiccupin?"
"I-I don't *hic* know!" You nervously replied
The cup raised and eyebrow and looked at your glass.
"Whats in there?"
"J-just some *hic* F/J" you replied
"Where's da containa?"
"Uhhhh what *hic* container?"
"Baby~" He warned "where is it?"
He put his hands on his hips and his eyebrows pointed down you gulped a little.
"O-over *hic* there" you replied with a point
He looked where you pointed on the bench and climbed up to grab it he examined it the looked at you unhappily.
"Baby dats a 2 litre bottle! Ya nearly drunk da whole thing! Ya gonna be sick!" Cuphead sternly stated.
"*hic* I'm sorry cuppy..*hic*"
His gaze softened and dropped into a dreamy one as he awed.
"Nawwww how can I stay mad at ya when ya hiccups are so cute~"
"I'm not-*hic* Cute!"
"I said ya hiccups Baby.."
He approached so you scrambled back until you hit your kitchen draws.
"And yes ya are your da cutest girl in all the inkwell isles!..Whatcha runnin away from me for Ha? I don't bite~"
"I-i-uhh *hic* I..don't....*hic*..know?"
"Uhuh of course you ain't..might it be causeeee~ I'm flirtin?"
"Y-you-i-*hic* no?"
"Tch tch ya shouldn't lie Baby~"
you tried to moved back more when he was nearly ontop of you but of course you couldnt because you were leaning against the draws that were drilled still.
He sat on your lap gently and put his gloved hands at the side of your cheeks.
"I know how ta get rid of da hiccups if ya like?"
"S-scaring me? *hic*"
"Now now I wouldn't use dat method on ya~ you might use it one me but I've got a betta method for youuuu~"
"Wh-what *hic* is it? *hic*"
He leant in and your E/C eyes widened as he pulled you close and planted his soft beige lips on yours.
A blush insanely deep appeared on your cheeks and a deep one appeared on the cup as the cup made the kiss deeper and gained access to your mouth.
You hummed needing air you both seperated.
"Did it work?"
"I i-think so....*hic*"
"Ah bannana oil! So close we- *hic*.."
Both of your pupils shrunk.
The cup shrugged.
"I dunno maybe we should kiss again~ha?~ *hic*"
"I-*hic* I guess?"
He chuckled.
"Ya cute when ya nervous too~ *hic*"
"I-is there anytime I'm not *hic* cute?"
"Ehhhh *hic* no ya cute all da time~"
He leant in again and pressed his lips against yours for a second kiss pushing you gently against the draws to show dominance which cause you to blush deeply again as he deepened the kiss.
"Cuphead? You here?" Mugman called
You and cuphead parted mouths and looked in the direction of the mugs voice.
"Yeah I'm here *hic* mugsy!" Cuphead called
"S-so am i!-*hic*" You stated
"We're in the *hic* kitchen!"
Cuphead gently got off of your lap and helped you sit up again as the mug entered.
"Did I interrupt anything?" Mugman asked
"No *hic* he means no!"
The cup looked at you with an eyebrow raise.
"No I meant *hic* yes but it's alright"
"Cuphead!~" you yelped "*hic*"
"What? *hic* your just embarrassed~"
Cuphead cooed
You gulped.
"About what?" Mugman asked

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