As Sick As A Cup

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Requested by Sandrastar1


Visiting the brothers excited for another adventure you were suprised when you saw cuphead out the front as if he was waiting for you.
"Cuphead? What are you doing out the front?"
"Waitin for you baby and gettin some air it's a wee bit stuffy in the cottage for me"
"Are you okay?"
"Me? Okay? baby I'm always okay"
"Alright..I guess I'll keep you company then"
"I'd like that"
You walked over and sat beside him which made him smile.
After a while of chatting you noticed him become delirious.
"Cuphead are you sure your alright?"
"Baby I'm as alrighty as a tighty bikey"
You gave him a weird look and put your hand on the cups forehead.
"Baaaayybeee what are ya doin? Your handsy is as cold as icey"
"Your sick cuphead you have a fever!"
"I'm not sick or coolsy I'm a Ding dong hehheh"
"Let's get you to bed"
"Beddy bye time?"
"Yep beddy bye time"
"Naaaawwwww but I'm not sicky ick"
"Yes you are and your delirious come on"
"But Bayybeeeeeee~" He whined
"No cuphead your going to bed"
You took his hand and lead him inside and to his and mugmans bedroom.
"In to bed go on"
You sighed and dragged him over even though he pulled back you got him into bed.
"Wait here I'll get you a nice cold flannel"
"Don't leave meeeee~"
"I'll be right back"
You left the room and walked down the stairs.
"Whats the matter with cuphead?" Mugman asked
"He has a fever and he's delirious"
You replied.
"Oh that's not good" mugman replied
"I'd say he's missing you already"
"Whats going on?" Elder kettle asked
"Cuphead has a fever and he's delirious don't worry I'll take care of him"
You stated as you took a flannel and turned on the cold water.
"Well thats nice of you" mugman stated
"Let's say it's pay back..he helped me when I was sick I'm just returning the favour" You stated
"He helped you when you were sick?" Elder kettle asked
"Yeah?" You replied wetting the flannel under the cold water.
"I'm coming!" You called
"That's just a weird thing for cuphead to do that's all" mugman stated
"Well you know people can suprise you" you stated
The three of you looked at the stairs.
"Cuphead! What are you doing out of bed?"
"Loooooking for yousy! You went poofy like a magician"
"I told you I was coming back"
"You were to longy~"
You sighed and walked up the stairs.
"Come on back to bed"
"But bayybee~" He whined.
You ushered him back to bed and in bed and once he was settled you put the flannel on his head.
"Ahhh~" He exhaled.
"Feel better?"
"Don't move I'll go get more"
"Stop leavings~ staysy!~"
"I will I will I'll be back okay? I promise"
"Okays don't bes longy"
You nodded.
"I wouldn't dream of it"
He smiled a little and you left the room again to get more cold flannel and an ice cold drink.
Elder kettle and mugman were looking at you.
"Nothingg~" they cooed and went back to doing their own thing.. you rolled your eyes and got 5 more flannels done and a nice cold drink of water taking them upstairs to the cup who was half asleep.
"Hi I got you more cold flannels and some nice cold water"
"Thanky youuu~"
"Your welcome"
You stayed by the cups side and whenever the flannels got warm you would go down stairs and make them cool again under the cold water as well as refilling his cold beverage.
"How are you doing are you hungry?"
"Nooooo~ I isss sleeepy deepy"
"Okay you have a rest okay I'll go down stairs you call me when you wake up okay?"
You went to leave.
He motioned for you to walk back over so you did and knelt back down at the side of the bed.
"What can I get for you?"
"Nothin...just wanty to givy you something as a thankyouuuy"
He leant in and pecked your lips!!.
Alarms went off in your head but before you could react he pulled away.
"Theresy thankyouuuy~"
"Y-y-your welcome..."
He grinned a little but laid back down and turned to face the wall you took that as a hint and left the room with a deep blush.
Putting your fingers to your lips you exhaled romantically as you walked down the stairs.
"What the matter with you?" Mugman asked
"Nothingg~" you cooed
"Uhhuh right.." he replied
"I'd say cuphead gave her his own way of thank you but what do I know?" Elder kettle stated.
You chuckled and sat down putting your head in your hands to think about what just happened..

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