Mission 5-Sword Training

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Keith announces his team that they will be doing lots of sword training so that they will be able to perform a combat attack as soon as possible. Before they are allowed to begin this training... They will have to leave the headquarters and head to the weapon shop yo buy the swords in-order for them to begin they're training in how to use them since the only weapon that they used to fight enemies is they're hand gun, machine gun, shot gun, and a grenade launcher.

As they leave this place... They will walk straight to the weapon shop which the total kilometers that they took to get to this place is going to be 22.6km while the total time to get to this place is going to be 28 minutes and 19 seconds because they only walk to this place with no vehicles to be able to transport them straight to the location that they would like to go within this day.

As they arrive to the weapon store... They will head inside the building in-order for them to begin searching for the weapon that they are supposed to be looking for within this day. The total time that they took to look for the weapon that they are supposed to be buying within this day is going to be several minutes on the clock even though the weapons around the store we're completely sorted by type.

When they managed to find the weapon that they are looking for... They will take it onto hand eve though it doesn't have to be the same kind of weapon but, it's important that the shape of each item must be the same name because of it's length.

When they all took a single item based on it's name... They will go to the counter area to begin paying the price there for about $183.57 because it's going to depend how expensive they are on each sword that they've brought to this place. The leader of the team is going to take out his wallet before placing the dollar bills on-top of the counter area so that the cashier who is working at this place is going to take the bills there and count how much of that did they place on-top of this furniture.

The payment that he placed to the counter area exceeds from the original price which the cashier is going to calculate how much of that did he placed there which the total amount is $200.00. The cash drawer will eject by itself with the change to appear on the screen which the total change that he will be receiving is going to be $16.43.

Before allowing to get the change there... He will place the $200 first at the cash drawer station for safekeeping then, take the said amount of change there so that he can place it on-top of the counter area for the customer to get the money there as soon as possible for the keeping of that change straight to the wallet.

They will then, take the purchased items with them to take them straight to they're headquarters where they will begin training for the use of these weapons but, before they can begin training with the use of these weapons... They will first watch the history of this weapon where Alex is going to take his computer with him so that he can place it onto the table for the plugging to the HDMI adapter where this thing is going to be connected to the television as soon as possible.

After these things we're completely set by him... He will open the computer for the turning on of that device by pressing the power button onto his computer so that the display of the computer's company and the loading screen to appear there where he will have to wait for it for a couple of moments because he's going to enter the passcode for this one once this screen has succeed in loading that thing.

As the background appears onto his screen... He will first press the enter button at his keyboard so that the passcode screen will appear which he must enter the letters and the numbers in the correct order so that he will be able to get access to the applications that contains onto the screen.

His entry attempt is a single where he will move his mouse straight to Chrome in-order for him to type onto the search bar about the sword history of that thing. He will then, press the enter button onto his keyboard in-order for the results there to appear onto the screen. He will now move his mouse to the link which is the YouTube link about the sword history which he will click on it once again in-order for the agents to be able to watch this thing with they're own eyes.

Before he is allowed to move away from his computer... He will first check the video if there is an advertisement or not because he wants to make sure that none of these advertisements will appear onto this site while they are supposed to be watching the video about the history of swords.

There is no advertisement for this one... So which means... He can leave the computer and watch the video about this one but, before he can do that... He will pause the video by pressing the spacebar onto his keyboard where Keith is going to give the instructions about that

"Now as we watch this video... You must hush your mouth and look at the video. Just like the movie rules. So you're on stage. You are not allowed to talk while we're talking there. But, anyway... watch the video that's related about this video and remain silent." Keith tells his team the rules and regulations for this one.

Please watch the video below to understand the history of swords.

After the video has ended.... Keith is going to question them if they understand what the video is saying before allowing himself to question if they have any questions in mind.

The agents begins to look at each other due to the fact that they might ask something to they're leader but, it seems that they didn't where the leading agent tells them to start they're practice so that they'll be able to know how to use they're swords properly.

The total time that they took to train with the use of this weapon is going to be several hours on the clock until night time where they get tired on training that thing and must put away the training materials along with they're swords so that they can go to the table for they're dinner to eat within this day.

They're eating time is going to depend how fast they are eating because we don't know how long will they eat thing whether they are fast enough or slow enough. Some of the agents are fast eaters while others are in moderate. When they are done... They will go to the kitchen's sink for the placing of those dishes there where Alex and Keith will be the ones to wash the dishes there.

They go to they're beds just to spend they're own time there until it's 10:00pm which they will be heading straight to bed for they're goodnight sleep.

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