Mission 24-World Of Autumn

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The agents return back to the clock tower for more time to rest there as soon as possible from the mission that they took hardly until the doorbell is heard at the entrance of this building where Alex will head to the door in-order for him to see who was that person there.

That person who is waiting at the front-door area is Henry. One of his classmates once again due to the fact that he wants to go to the park full of autumn leaves there because they visited this place when they're we're children which the age for this one is 8 where-in these two meet themselves together at the daycare center which the school that they're currently attending is preschool. Now that they we're older on the present day... The Grade that they we're attending now is Grade 11 which is senior year.

"Aren't we too old to go this place because we're not kids anymore?" Alex questions his classmate with worries.

"Yeah," His classmate replied that they we're too old to go there but, they can still have fun if he's still interested to go there, "But, we can still go there if you want to."

"I don't know," He replied back unsure if he's going back there under that age, "Guys. Do you think it's possible that we can return back to the place when we we're kids?"

The agents thinks as they we're not sure about it as there might be others that they can still return while others don't as they're starting a new beginning under the age that they're having that year. The total time that they took to think about is going to be a couple of moments on the clock because all they have to do is to answer that question a yes or a no.

Some of the agents answered a yes while most of the agents answered a no. So he's going to take the most answers to his classmate where he's going to say no to him causing for that classmate that he is facing in-front of him to become worried making him to change his mind instead leading to the agents to get shock thinking that it was a deal if they get the most answers to him... Then, he'll take that answer to that question.

"Don't worry," He tells his agents that this thing is going to be for one time only, "I'll just going to do this for one time only with my classmate."

"Alright," Evan agrees to him, "If you say so."

"C'mon Henry," He tells his classmate that they'll be going to the place that they used to have fun there when they we're kids, "Let's go to the place that we used to have fun together when we we're children."

"Okay. Let's go but, what vehicle are we taking again when we would like to go to that place?"

"Hmm..." Alex thinks about what the vehicle are they going to use again when they we're going to get to that place. The total time that he took to think about it is going to be a couple of moments or several minutes depending on how long will he think about that, "Maybe it's the train." He tells him what is the vehicle that they used to transport themselves there when they we're kids just to remember it since they forgot when they grew older in years.

"Are you sure that it's the train that we took when we're going to that place?" His classmate questions if that is the vehicle that they're riding to that place just to be sure about that.

"I don't know because we don't know about the name of the place for a very long time but, we only remember the full of autumn leaves all-over the area only right?"

"Maybe we can go to your computer to search for the location there so that we can go to that place as soon as possible under that transport to get to this place there."

"Sure. Let's do that." He agrees before entering the building to his room where his computer is where his classmate is going to take a seat there then, press the power button onto the machine where he's going to wait for the loading screen to finish for a couple of moments before the background for this device will appear in-front of him where the next phase that he will do is to press the enter button onto his keyboard for the entry of his passcode there.

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