Mission 25-Voltage Chaos

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The next morning... Alan wakes-up from his bed before he can head to the bathroom area to take himself a shower there then, head to the dining room area for his breakfast that he will be eating within this day.

The total time that he took to eat his own breakfast there is going to take about several minutes on the clock because his speed is fast but, the weight of the food is heavy where he's eating his own food very quickly as soon as he can by cutting the food with his knife before punching the food down with his fork so that he can put it onto his mouth and begin dewing the food with his teeth before allowing himself to swallow it all the way down to the stomach from the inside.

When there is nothing left on-top of his dish... He will bring the dish straight to the kitchen's sink where Alex is going to use the soap and water there to clean that dish until there is no dirt surrounding the dish which he will wipe that thing with the use of the dish towel until the dish there is completely dry.

He will then, head downstairs to the weapon creation room where he will begin creating his own weapon by first watching a video on who to create they're own gun there since he wants to create his very own gun from scratch.

He will move straight to his computer to power on the device by pressing the power button at the machine then, wait for the loading screen to finish which it's going to take about a couple of moments to finish before the background screen will appear in-front of the user where there is the time today at the bottom left side of the screen while the small icons will be at the right.

He will press the enter button for the next screen to appear which is the entry of the passcode for this device. When he is about to enter his very own passcode there... Alex questions what is he doing where he begins to exclaim and thinks that he is looking at the password screen that he needs to type.

"Sorry," He apologizes for scaring him because he was just questioning what is he doing here, "I was just asking you what are you just doing at your computer?"

"Can't you look away from the screen?" He questions if he can look away from the screen as he's going to enter the passcode for this device without anyone watching him, "It's rude to look at someone's passcode."

"Oh. Sorry." He replied back with worries before looking away at the screen as his friend is going to enter the passcode by pressing the letter or the number on the keyboard in the correct order depending on the number of length that the passcode that he needs to enter there.

He will then, press the enter button in-order for this device to determine if the passcode that he just typed there is correct or not. The device determines that this passcode that he just entered is correct where this device will appear the background that the user selected in unlocked mode, the icons appearing at the screen, and the task bar containing icons beside the start icon which is at the bottom left of this bar.

"Okay," He tells him that he can look at the screen for the things that they can do here, "You may now look at the screen."

"Alright," His fellow agent will now look at the screen and question what will they do here, "What are we going to do here?"

"I'm going to watch both how to create my own weapon which is the Gatling gun as well as how the weapon works." He replied what will he do to this device.

He will move his mouse to the Google Chrome icon before double clicking it with his mouse so that the window will appear immediately where he's going to go to the icons at the top right of the website that he is on which is Google off-course. He clicks it with the left button where multiple icons will now appear onto the screen which the option that he will take from the icons is the red rectangle with a white triangle facing at the right on the middle of that red shape. This icon represents YouTube. He clicks onto that icon with the left button in-order for him to move to the next website based on the icon that he just clicked there.

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