Mission 20-Dog Rescue

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At Wild Dog's Hideout... Diaz is going to head to the phone just to pick up another person that he can recruit for the invasion of the whole city. He takes the phone with his hand before he can put it onto his ear so that he will be able to hear the caller's words there as soon as possible. He's going to press the number buttons there as he is going to call the person there which that person is a dog capturer named Cyril.

He arrives to that area in-order for him to question what will be his orders with the net ready onto his hand.

"I want you to search for the agents' dog and capture them there so that there will be no new babies born by those creatures since the two had performed a wedding event last time somewhere around the church." He orders him to capture the dogs that we're owned by Luke and Cathy somewhere around the area.

"Sure," He replied with a smile but, he questions with worries because he doesn't know where they are, "But, where can we find those creatures there since they might be all-over the area?"

"I'll show you at the computer. Just follow me to my room so that you'll be able to know what kind of that creature are you supposed to be capturing."

"Alright." He agrees before following him to his room where he will take him self a seat after pressing the power button at the machine so that the device will be activated where the first step for activation is the windows display as well as the loading screen in-front of him.

They will have to wait for a couple of moments to finish the loading screen there before the background screen will appear in-front of him as well where he will press the enter button for the passcode entry there where he's going to tell the dog hunter to turn around so that he won't be able to look at the passcode since this is for the user's safety and the prevention of hacking on the computer that is not owned by them except for the user which is the leader of the NEODYNE Industries.

After entering the passcode there correctly for the access of his applications that contains onto his screen... He will move his mouse straight to the Chrome icon where he's going to double click it with the left button of his mouse so that the icon that he just clicked will appear as a window which this application is a website created by Google several years ago.

He will move his mouse straight to the icon selection which is at the top right of the website where a bunch of icons will appear onto the screen such as the Drive, News, Chat, Hangouts, Maps, YouTube, etc.

His choice for this one is the Google Maps which he will click onto the Map icon where he's going to lead himself straight there then, search the dogs of the V.S.S.E. agents which they are all at the headquarters. He will click his mouse there in-order for him to take a closer look on the inside which he sees a bunch of dogs there making himself confusing and challenging on where to find the owner of the target which is Luke's dog and Cathy's dog.

"Did you find what the creature that I am supposed to be capturing?" The dog catcher questions if he found the photos of the target dogs there.

"I'm searching." The military guy replies that he is still searching where he sees a bunch of dogs in a single room making himself to confuse where it is and must find out where it is.

"Well... Can I help you search which one is it?"

"No. You will end up guessing if you do that. Let me do that if you please. I'll just let you know if I managed to find that thing within my own eyes."

"Alright. I'll just watch you search for it then." He will just watch him search where the target that he must capture at this room.

The total time that he took to search for that is going to take about 15-20 minutes on the clock. When he found them... He will click them one-by-one before placing it onto the paper and printing it with the use of the printer so that he can cut the photos onto the said size before handing it over to the dog capturer guy for the mission in capturing the dogs to begin.

He will have to leave the headquarters before walking straight to the target area which is the V.S.S.E.'s headquarters where the total kilometers to get to this place is going to be 38.2km while the total time to get to this place all by himself with no vehicles to transport himself there is going to be 44 minutes and 18 seconds on the clock.

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