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After that night the four friends couldn't get the echidna out of their minds. It distracted them from some things.

Amy was stirring a pot of soup since it was a slightly cold Sunday. She was getting vivid images of her and Knuckles as he wrapped his arms around nibbling her neck making her weak in the knees. How he turned the stove off and took her to her bed and the two gave into sexual desires. She snaps out of it when her ovenmit got too close to the burner and she tossed it in the sink spray water on the small fire. "That was close...." She said and looked at the soup. "Maybe Knuckles would like a warm meal" she smiled finding a excuse to see him and maybe tell him. She packs the soup up in a special warmer back then headed to angel island.

Sonic lays there in his bed staring at the ceiling thinking about Knuckles. "He's my best friend.....but why do I feel this way about him?" He said to himself heart racing. "Fuck I need to talk to him!" He gets up and heads to angel island.

Rouge and Shadow couldn't get the echidna out of their head and they too head to angel island.

The four arrived on different parts of the island and walk to the Master Emerald alter. When they get there they all looked at each other. "What are you doing here?!" They all said. "I just came to visit" shadow, Rouge and Sonic said. "I brought him a warm meal" Amy said. "Well he likes when friends come to visit so let's just..... visit...." Sonic smiled keeping some peace and they all agreed to their deep disappointment. Yet when they looked up they see the emerald was covered my a metal shield and knuckles was no where to be seen. "Where's Kn-" they hear a splash and walked over to the the clear waterfall and the lake below near by. When they get there they see something red swimming under the water and then he rose up.

 When they get there they see something red swimming under the water and then he rose up

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"Whoa...." They said and looked at each other. He brushes back the water from the his dreads and then jumps back seeing his friends standing there. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" He yelled. "What are you guys doing here?" He asked after calming down. "We came to visit you also why are you swimming in the cold?" Sonic asked as knuckles gets out to dry off. "Because it's good for my body after a intense work out?" He said water dripping down his body still. "Oh right you do that aheh heh..." Rouge blushed "oooooook? Well can you guys go to my house so I can put on my dry clothes?" He said and they all blushed. "Oh right yeah sure of course" Shadow said and they all leave.

"What the hell is with all of them?"

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