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As the four wait patiently for knuckles to come his house shadow snaps. "Ok fess up what are you three really here?!" He said looking at the three as Amy heats up the soup pot on the stove. "Like I said I brought him a warm meal because it's cold" she said. "Cut the crap rose I saw the spark in your eye when he rose up from the water!" Sonic growled. "What spark?!" "The spark you use to give me before you backed off of me finally!" "HOW DARE YOU!" Amy yelled then realize something. "Omg are you crushing on him?! Your best friend?!" She smirked making the blue hedgehog shut up and blush. "I'm gonna assume we all fell for him at the club last night?" Rouge said pointing out the obvious. They all nod and the awkward silence filled the room as knuckles walks in. "Ok I'm starving what's in the pot Ames" knuckles smiled not noticing the awkwardness between his friends. He opens the lid and smells the steam. "Sweet creamy tomato and rice soup." He smiled. "I'll make some grilled cheese sandwiches who wants one?" He asked and now notices the awkwardness. "Umm guys what's going on?" He asked pulling out a skillet. "Nothing knux I'll have one" Sonic said putting on a cocky smile like normal. "Ok? Umm anyone else?" He asked. Amy and Shadow rose their hands. "Ok then you know where the drinks are guys help yourselves." He said and grabs some butter and bread. "Hey Ames could you help me butter the bread so I can slice the cheese?" He asked and Amy smirked at the other three. "Sure knux" she gets up. The other three glared at her and get up to get the drinks from the other room. "Thanks Ames" "No problem Knux" she smiled.
"Sly pink bitch of course her cooking warms him up..... then again who wouldnt fall for that girls cooking...." Rouge thought grabbing a strawberry wine cooler from the fridge knuckles keeps in the bar area of his home. "Damn I hate Amy and her good cooking...." Sonic whispered sipping on Pepsi. "Same here blue...." Shadow replied drinking core water.
"So Umm knuckles.... You danced really good last night I didn't know you could dance" she said and knuckles turns to her blushing. "Shit you saw that...." He asked. "Yeah we all actually did...." "Well that's embarrassing...." "No no it's not knux you know it's nice to see you let loose at the club." Amy smiled. "Umm thanks but now I'm worried sonic is going to tease me..." he said plating the last sandwich. "Look um let everyone else know food is ready." He said and she pouts. "Ok..." she walks away. "Food ready" she said and the three see disappointment in her face and they smirked.
They all eat the bowls of soup in silence. "Ya know for you guys so eager to for visiting me you are very quiet." Knuckles said taking a bite from his sandwich. Everyone one was still quiet and knuckles finished his food. "Ok well thanks for the visit and the food but I think you guys should go on and head home" he said and everyone looked at him. "Wait knux we're sorry" shadow said. "Well clearly something is up with all of you now what is it?" He asked looking at his four friends. Before they could answer there was a knock at the door. Knuckles gets up and answers it. "Hey tails!" He said letting the fox in. "Hey knux I came to give you the key to your car she's all fixed up." Tails smiled. "Thanks I appreciate it man would you like some soup?" He asked. "Nah I'm good I got to head back to cream." "Ok hey Umm can I speak with you outside?" He asked and tails nods. "What's up?" He asked as they walked to the plane." "Ok do you have any idea what's gotten into sonic, shadow, Rouge and Amy?" He asked. "Not really sonic seemed a bit absent in the head since he went the Club Rouge last night but didn't tell me why." Tails said. "Ok well thanks tails fly safe." "I will." He leaves the island.

"I think I might know what's going on"

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