Christmas part 2

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It's Christmas Eve and sonic leaves his parents house after visiting them early. "Ok now time to be with Knuckles" he smiled and ran to angel island and saw the echidna in a black sweater with a white coat. Giving the island critters small bundles of nuts, seeds, and berries. "He's so kind under that tough guy façade. That's what i love about him." Sonic thought walking up. "Merry Christmas Eve knuckles!" Sonic beamed. "Merry Christmas Eve sonic" knuckles smiled handing the last bundle to a pink chao. "Sonic sat next to the echidna at the alter and handed him a small box. "It's not much but I hope you like it. "But..... I didn't get you anything....." knuckles looked down. "A yes is what I want" Sonic smiled and knuckles looks at him. Knuckles opens the box and sees something he hasn't seen in a long time. "Is this?" "A shard of the fake emerald Eggman tossed on me to trick you with when we first met....." Sonic said. "You kept this all these years?" Knuckles said. "Well yeah.... And when we got together it means a lot more to me...." "So why give it to me?" Knuckles asked. "Well because I wanted to show you this to tell you that I value you and actually had deep feelings for you for a long time before that night at Club Rouge..... I just didn't know it and you know I am with my feelings...." "Can't argue with that knuckles laughs a bit. "I wanted to give it to you and tell you all this because I really love you knux.... I don't want to waste another moment....." "Are you asking me..... to marry you?" Knuckles asked and Sonic nods. "Well? What do you say?" Sonic asked and knuckles looks at the shard thinking about all they been through growing up and he smiled.


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